PinnedPublished inLugus LabsWhy choose and nominate Lugus Labs validator in Polkadot ?We are seeking nominations to continue operating our validator and contribute to the decentralization of staking providers in Polkadot.Dec 31, 2022Dec 31, 2022
Published inLugus LabsLugus Labs validator updates.In our latest blog post we explain that we were looking to increase nominations to keep our highly available validator running.Mar 9, 2023Mar 9, 2023
Published inLugus LabsHoisting the flag : Welcome Lugus Labs validatorArchipel validator becomes Lugus Labs validator.Dec 24, 2022Dec 24, 2022
Published inLugus LabsArchipel tooling is now multi-servicesTrustlines Network and Centrifuge nodes support!Jan 24, 2021Jan 24, 2021
Published inLugus LabsArchipel 2.0 release. What is new?Discover Archipel 2.0 and it’s innovative consensus-based high availability solution.Aug 25, 2020Aug 25, 2020
Published inLugus LabsArchipel Milestone 2: shipped and berthedArchipel is a high availability solution for running services on decentralized federated hardware at homeApr 16, 2020Apr 16, 2020
Blockchain : un nouveau terrain de jeu pour les œuvres.TEDxUSMB de Francois Branciard présentant la blockchain comme un nouveau langage pour tracer l’histoire et les échanges d’une œuvre d’art.Apr 9, 2020Apr 9, 2020
Blockchain : a new playground for artworkFrancois Branciard TEDxUSMB talks about Blockchain as a new language to record artwork story and exchange.Apr 9, 2020Apr 9, 2020
Published inLugus LabsFirst Polkadot-Lyon Meetup4th december 2019 Polkadot-Lyon meetup with Parity, DAppNode, Status and DAOStack presentationsJan 6, 2020Jan 6, 2020
Published inLugus LabsHow to create and manage a new DAppNode PackageExample with Polkadot Node PackageNov 6, 2019Nov 6, 2019