Gene Splicing: The future is closer than you think

Francois Smuts
2 min readSep 20, 2018

When we think of gene splicing and genetic manipulation our mind conjures up vivid imaginations much like what Hollywood can produce.

However the future is closer than what you think. Currently there are gene therapies available and many more on the horizon. I will attempt to elucidate your understanding of two of these therapies.

1. CAR T-Cells (Chimera Antigen Receptor T cells)

I know what you are thinking, lots of words which do not really make sense. Essentially the strategy is very easy and it goes something like this.

T-Cells are harvested from the patient (T-Cells are immune cells of the body) and sent to a laboratory.

A viral vector is introduced essentially changing the patients T-Cells to a modified T-Cell (a genetic splice if you want to use Sci-Fi terminology).

The modified T-Cell can now recognize the cancer cell and attack it. The cells are expanded and purified and placed back inside the patient.

Currently these cells are used in certain leukemias, lymphomas, and myelomas.

2. AVV Gene Therapy (adeno-associated virus)

This therapy is true gene therapy in the sense of the word.



Francois Smuts

Always inventing, never stagnant, extreme innovation, marginal rules, real life experience