上海 Shanghai Micro-Stories | Mobile Phone Videos, China

François Soic
2 min readMar 9, 2020


上海 Shanghai Micro-Stories. Mobile phone videos by François Soulignac. Shanghai, China, 2017–2019
上海 Shanghai Micro-Stories. Mobile phone videos by François Soulignac. Shanghai, China, 2017–2019

上海 Shanghai Micro-Stories is a series of short video-diaries entirely produced on 小米 Xiaomi mobile phone, chronicling the daily life of foreigners and their Chinese friends living in Shanghai between 2017 and 2019. All videos have been simultaneously published on American and Chinese social networks.

The mobility as creative constraint

In Paris during my adolescence, I bought one of the first tiny digital camera available on the mass market, the Fujifilm MX-1700 Zoom, producing a few weeks later my first series of video-diaries, carefully crafted in my bedroom (video archives). Many years later, once living and working in Shanghai, on the side of my main commercial activities, energized by an ultra connected and mobile-first-oriented country, I decided to produce my video-chronicles in a brand-new way: much more quickly by shooting and editing directly with my mobile phone.

上海 Shanghai Micro-Stories. Mobile phone videos by François Soulignac — Shanghai, China, 2017-2019
上海 Shanghai Micro-Stories. Mobile phone videos by François Soulignac - Shanghai, China, 2017-2019

Exploring new visual languages

No additional lighting or lens, no more time-consuming transfer or editing process on a laptop. This mobile-first approach was an opportunity to explore new visual languages, more spontaneous, by taking shortcuts in the creative process; editing anytime-anywhere, in the taxi or in the plane, sometimes even within seconds after the shooting. These little videos don’t pretend to be perfect, they are just snap memories of our days in the Hai. All videos have been shot and quickly edited with a 小米 Xiaomi phone and third-party apps, in Shanghai in 2017, 2018 and 2019.

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