Writeup: CSRF vulnerability with no defenses @ Portswigger Academy

Frank Leitner
3 min readApr 30, 2022


This is a writeup for the Lab “CSRF vulnerability with no defenses” from PortSwiggers Web Security Academy:

Learning path: Client-side topics → Cross-site request Forgery (CSRF)

Python script: script.py

Lab description

  • Lab application contains a email change feature vulnerable to CSRF
  • Known good credentials wiener:peter


  • Create some HTML to change a viewers email address


The first step is an analysis of the web application in question, in this case the good old trusty blog website. I want to change the email address of a user, so I go straight to the account overview of wiener with the credentials provided.

There, I change his email address and have a look at the request in Burp:

It appears that the request relies on the session cookie to identify the account with no additional feature to safeguard against some malicious activity.

So I just have to create a form that resembles the original form and auto-submits when the page is viewed. Thanks to web technology, I can just copy’n’paste the original form to have a base.

I need to update the action to point to the targetted server (the lab application) as well as hardcode my email address. On top of that I add a JavaScript that automatically submits the form so that the user does not have to manually click on any button (usability plays a big role here):

In Burp Suite Pro, the creation of this form can be done easily with the PoC generator by right-clicking on the email change request from the history and selecting Engagement tools > Generate CSRF PoC:

Testing the exploit by clicking on View exploit results in me being redirected to my account page:

All that is left is to click on Deliver exploit to victim to solve the lab.

Originally published at https://github.com.



Frank Leitner

Tech nerd, doing security stuff for fun and some as a job | CISSP-ISSAP, OSCP