The Light of the Resurrection: Jesus and Harry Potter

Frank William Brennan
11 min readApr 1, 2018

We are still celebrating Easter and the wonderful light of the Resurrection yet death has been on my mind.

My wife and I are having our first child this coming July. A baby girl named Imma Bernadette and we’re very excited. I always wanted a little girl. I’m a fan of the little bows you can put in their hair, their cute outfits and smiles, up until they get interested in boys. Then they’re not so cute…Imma please love me!

Yet death has been on my mind. I begin thinking about Imma’s birth, then her graduation, then wedding, then my grandchildren and all of a sudden I see myself old and slipping off to death. It’s scary when you look at your life from its entire timeline. It’s very short! When life begins to blossom within a family, death becomes more apparent, for there is greater loss attached to it. But if there is one thing that Jesus taught us, it’s that life does not end at death.

Remember the Gospel reading for Easter Sunday?

John 20: 1–9

On the first day of the week, Mary of Magdala came to the tomb early in the morning, while it was still dark, and saw the stone removed from the…

