Data brokerage and data analytics meet, as Intellegant joins DataBroker DAO alliance

Frank Van Geertruyden
2 min readMar 28, 2018


The DataBroker DAO alliance is taking shape more and more each day, welcoming yet another member to its community. Intellegant, based in Brussels, helps companies to turn their data into valuable insights, accompanying them in the intricate journey of advanced data analytics so as to drive better decisions and enhance business performance.

Intellegant literally masters the entire data analytics journey. Helping companies in the field of data mapping, data inventory and classification, data integration, data transformation, data cleaning and data quality and providing expert resources to guide them through the journey of advanced and predictive analytics. But that’s not all. They help organizations understand regulatory requirements and provide a methodology to embed such expectations into their business processes. And they give companies a framework to assess their information systems and set a roadmap to prioritize changes.

Being located in the capital of the EU, the company is ideally placed to consult on European regulations and compliance, with a particular focus on data privacy (GDPR), data integrity and data security. Upon assessing your operations, their experts will make sure that your systems, processes and procedures protect you from data privacy loss and unauthorized disclosure.

DataBroker DAO and Intelligant complement each other nicely. Because trading smart data is one thing, but knowing how to interpret these data and what to do with them is an entirely different ball game.

The pre-sale phase of the DTX token sale has started. You can participate starting from 10 ETH. Register on and join us on Telegram if you have any questions.

Don’t miss the DataBroker DAO token sale

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