The Minimum Lovable Product (MLP): an innovative approach to creating products that delight

3 min readAug 5, 2024


In the world of entrepreneurship and innovation, the concept of the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is well known. It involves creating a minimal product that meets the basic needs of users, in order to test its potential and collect feedback to improve it. However, a new approach is emerging: the Minimum Lovable Product (MLP). In this article, we will explore this concept and how it can help companies create products that truly delight their users.

What is a Minimum Lovable Product (MLP)?

An MLP is a product that, from its initial release, offers an exceptional user experience and meets the emotional needs of users. It is about creating a product that inspires love, loyalty and engagement from users, rather than simply meeting their functional needs. An MLP is designed to be useful, usable and enjoyable. This approach can be used when the market in which the project to be created is located is already saturated with competitors.

How to Create an MLP?

To create an MLP, it is essential to understand the needs and desires of users. Here are some key steps to achieve this:

  • Know the users: Conduct in-depth research to understand the motivations, values, and behaviors of your target users.
  • Define the value proposition: Identify the unique benefits your product offers to meet the emotional and functional needs of users.
  • Create a seamless user experience: Design an intuitive, easy-to-use, and enjoyable user interface that meets user expectations.
  • Show emotion: Add emotional elements to your product, such as animations, sounds, or personalized messages, to create an emotional connection with users.
  • Test and iterate: Test your product with a group of users and gather their feedback to improve and adjust your MLP.

The Benefits of MLP

MLP offers several advantages over the traditional MVP approach:

  • Better user experience: An MLP is designed to deliver an exceptional user experience, which can lead to greater user satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Differentiation: By creating a product that inspires love and engagement, you can stand out from the competition and establish a strong identity for your brand.
  • Reduced costs: By identifying users’ emotional needs up front, you can avoid the costs associated with redesigning or changing your product later.


The Minimum Lovable Product (MLP) is an innovative approach to creating products that truly delight users. By understanding users’ emotional and functional needs, creating a seamless user experience, and demonstrating emotion, you can create a product that inspires love and loyalty. If you want to create a product that leaves a lasting mark on your users, don’t hesitate to adopt the MLP approach. Furthermore, my agency is ready to help you build your MLP with the greatest quality and agility. If you are interested, do not hesitate to book an appointment to discover the services offered by the agency

