Barry Hers Offers Tips for Moving to NYC

Barry Hers
2 min readJan 30, 2019


Barry Hers has worked in New York real estate for over 2 decades. He offers his advice on deciding to move to New York City.

New York City is still one of the most important cities on the planet and deciding to move there is a big life decision. People move there from all over the world from virtually every industry, and Barry Hers understands just how valuable it is to know your way around the real estate of the city before deciding to move.

“Before making a life-altering move to New York, it’s important to understand the layout of the City first,” explained Barry Hers. “If you have never been to New York, then there is a lot of work to do before deciding where you want to live.”

There are almost 9 million people living in New York, and it can be overwhelming at first. Barry Hers recommends getting to know the city in a general way by visiting ahead of the big move. It can be helpful to grab a friend or co-worker and visit all of the areas you are considering as a potential spot to move to.

This allows you to move around neighborhoods and ask practical questions about the distance from the subway, which schools are worth attending, and which parts of the city you resonate with and will offer you the most opportunity for your career as you navigate life in New York. You can also utilize various internet services like google street view, and contacting a realtor to help you better learn the layout of the city as well.

Barry Hers encourages everyone thinking about the big move to consider the most basic questions as some of the most important. Consider where you will be able to park your car, the safety of neighborhoods, evacuation zones based on weather, and your location to grocery stores as all good markers for considering which neighborhood you want to move to.

“I always encourage movers to visit where they are thinking about living in person,” explains Barry Hers. “Many brokers will put inaccurate amenities, and do not properly describe the listing, so it’s vital you show up and do your research in person as well.”

Although moving to a big city like New York can seem overwhelming, there are plenty of great resources out there, and Barry Hers is always here to help you navigate the world of New York real estate.



Barry Hers

Barry Hersko (of Yeshivah), started working for a realty firm in Manhattan with no secular education. He learned the ins and outs of management in the late 80’s