30 day writing challenge — Day 14 : Describe your style

Frankie M
3 min readJul 4, 2023


I said I wouldn’t write this during my working hours but here we are….work managed to grind me down until the afternoon when I couldn’t take it anymore and looked for anything to distract me. There are worse distractions anyway.

In terms of my style, I would certainly say I’m no fashionista and have never been one to follow trends. Although I did like the trend of long, baggy jumpers and long, tight skirts which I discovered when I went through a Grazia phase. In general, I pick clothes that are a little bit different, usually very colourful, and are comfy. Probably leaning towards a boho style if I had to label it, although I’ve also been told I have a surfer/beachy style too. My Mum always complains that I wear the same clothes all the time, and it’s true. You’ll often find me in a pair of dungarees with a baggy t-shirt tucked inside. My parents kept a fair number of their clothes from the 80’s so I tend to wear them as well. My coolest outfit was probably an all-in-one leotard keep-fit outfit my Mum had which I wore to an 80’s style fitness class.

In the Winter, I love to wear polo necks and my ex used to laugh at me for wearing so many different layers of polo necks in the same colour — the polo neck, the polo neck pullover, etc that I looked like the ridiculous youtube video of a Scottish guy wearing loads of different Berghaus jackets.

I’ve definitely reined in my style a bit from my quirkier and hippier days at uni. I used to have these classic traveller trousers which would billow out when I inevitably had to run to class. Or a big trench jacket that I once wore to the library without any clothes on underneath….I still think brown clothes are fashionable, which I had to defend numerous times at uni.

I also know that my style will never include high heels. My twin brother can walk in heels better than me! Even the tiniest heel and I’m likely to deck it. I think the worst trend that ever existed, and there have been a few, was Jeggings. Unfortunately I also owned a pair which seems cringe to me now. One item missing from my wardrobe I think is a good halter neck. I’m not someone who buys clothes a lot, I hate shopping actually, so my style is fairly consistent too.

In terms of other people’s styles, as everyone I’m sure, I love Rachel’s style in Friends. I also like the overall vibe of Joss Stone’s style, relaxed and bohemian. My dream wedding dress is definitely one which has a bohemian style to it.

A piece of clothing I’m sad about losing was a rugby top my Dad gave me, just from his local club when he was younger, but it became my travel jumper. Wearing it, I always knew I was going on an adventure. Now, one of my favourite pieces of clothing is a jumper my Granny used to wear. It reminds me of her wearing it. I also love a sarong that I swan about in during Summer. I met a woman at a market once who was selling a load of clothes with famous paintings on them. I drew the line at a yellow hoodie with The Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dali but I did buy a beautiful dress with Red Boats At Argenteuil by Claude Monet. I also love my funky, patterned jeans which I’m trying to fit into again!

I want to end with my favourite quote about style: ‘Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak.’ What does your style say about you?

