The Journey of a wannabe World class developer part-1.

frank angelo
4 min readJan 28, 2019


Photo by Mantas Hesthaven on Unsplash

What can you do? Is most likely the question a prospective helper would ask you. On a very good day in september, 2016. I woke up to the realization that my so called destiny was in my hands, in a bid to hold myself accountable.

I decided to quit from a psychological brain draining job. i would describe the job as one where I was a professional housemaid with a university degree, at least that is what i would call it. Most of my friends really thought otherwise because I was in my country’s capital, so by default I should be doing well for myself. At the time I was receiving the total sum of $111.03 which is about N40,000 and in my country where there are countless number of jobless youths, that is actually a good pay. At least i could afford a girlfriend, take some of my guys out and get stuffs for my self and being the first son I could get stuffs for my younger ones.

In my country, being the first son is borden in itself. By the way, I am not saying I come from a poor background, we could afford the most basic stuff we needed and i would not say we are wealthy as well, just say average middle class if something like that exists.


So I left for my parents house, with no single idea of what I was going to use my life to do. Because of my strong belief in God, I prayed searching for divine revelation on the next thing to do. Getting to my house, even-though I was greeted with warm smiles and hugs I knew my parents were deeply worried. So being my parents they started doing what every parent I think would do for their child, give me all the support and assistance I needed to get by. I had previously told them how unhappy I was.

Backward to some-time in the past, I reunited with this my secondary school mate (Pens) a programmer and the second smartest in my class at the time. Thanks to my fucked up country’s school system they frustrated him in getting admission into the university.

Forward to sometime in May, 2017 after wondering through how I was going to add value to people's life and getting paid for it. I discovered something called web-designing. so I thought just learning html and css would really help me a long way as I would be able to answer the question.

What can you do?

So I contacted my friend Pens. luckily for me he was organising a free class on programming with Java, php, javascript, css and html. I guess this was my answered prayer. So I took it up consistently and judiciously. Not understanding what i was learning but i just knew this was my way out.

Fast forward to 6 months later I got the the level of not getting lost when it comes to programming. We focussed on php and javascript. Things got way more difficult for me because I had to face my parents on the aspect of job hunting because to them I was always constantly on my laptop doing what they don’t know. I had to reject some prospective job offers they found for me thanks to the fact that they didn’t chase me out of their house but because I knew outright that those jobs would just make me be in a more relaxed state of depression cause I would be comfortable getting paid not really adding value in the way I would have preferred. At this time I had lost my girlfriend (thanks boo for going). Mostly because i was not able to afford most of her financial needs.

Thanks to Pens I got employable, he linked me up with my first job. At this time my parents started getting excited because at least now they could see some fruit of the hard-work.

So far am proficient with php-laravel, javascript (Vue, react and node) and I won’t get lost in java. I know there is still a lot i still need to learn. In this awesome journey of being a world class developer.


At the start of 2019, I moved to Lagos, Nigeria. In search of something I feel am missing. I guess I know what. I’m in search of being a World class developer.

to be continued …

