Hello honey, what if I join you ?

Frankie Warlomont
4 min readNov 4, 2021


On the left, this is a bee. On the right, a flower. Between the two, there is love. And a hell of teamwork. (Credits : Getty Images)

Opportunities. Life is all about opportunities.

Opportunities to lead the change and create our own uniqueness. No one wants to be like everyone else. We all have a special touch, a talent, a sensibility that makes us one-of-a-kind. We have all developed our own values and beliefs at some point. Yet we often end up following those of others. It is easier. More reassuring. But do you know what Confucius, an old Chinese philosopher and spring rolls lover, said ?

“Only dead fish go with the flow”

A fish that is alive goes to the left or to the right. A fish that is alive goes upstream and if it goes with the flow, it swims faster than the stream. What do Led Zeppelin, David Hockney and Jean-Paul Belmondo among others have in common ? They explored their uniqueness and pioneered a style. Their style. The same applies to the independent advertising agency “Air”. Where all other agencies produce ads to encourage consumption, Air decided they will produce meaning to bring positive change into people’s life. Where it gets stuffy, they bring fresh air. Thanks to their creativity. Their style.

On the left, this is Led Zeppelin, one of the greatest rock band of all time. On the right, the founders of the creative agency “Air” in 1993. Or maybe it is the other way around ? Anyway, you can only see rock stars on these pictures.

Opportunities may also arise to save bees and install beehives in your company’s garden as Air did. Look at this crystal clear honey. Looks yummy isn’t it? But folks, calm down directly please. This unique vintage is only available for friends and clients. Please contact M. Stephane Buisseret, CEO of Air, if you find it unfair.

Life is also about opportunities to challenge the status quo. To keep on asking questions. Like a kid. A child asks a ton of questions. A child is curious. Why the sky is blue ? Why can’t an airliner fly solely on solar power? What if I forget to put yeast when I bake my homemade bread? (Plot twist : it will make Lembas bread, the one that is given by the Elves to Frodo and Sam in the Lord Of The Rings.) Unfortunately, we forget to ask questions when we grow up, or rather the right questions. We should keep on questioning everything we do. “And what if it works?”, “And what if it doesn’t work?” continuously wonders the creative agency Air. This is the company’s creed. Inspiring ? Wait for the next question below.

They put their new leitmotiv on paper with the collaboration of Anthony Burrill, a British graphic designer. The green reminds nature. Nature is made of bees. Bees produce honey. Honey can be found in Air Brussels’ garden. The loop is closed.

And what if we miss a creative talent?” could Air ask themselves. What if bees are gonna leave planet Earth ? No more honey, but there is still Frankie.

Details are key and often miss. And so are opportunities in life. We have a bunch of opportunities to seize each day. Which ones to focus on?

Fortunately, opportunities may sometimes be obvious. Like recruiting a wonderful beekeeper or a creative digital marketer. It is up to you Sir Buisseret. The ball is in your court. The honeymoon in ours.

Written by Frankie, spiritual son of David Ogilvy.

