Published inOpenNeuroOpenNeuro webinarsWe are excited to announce that we will be hosting a set of webinars to further detail how to use and navigate the OpenNeuro platform! The…Oct 10, 2019Oct 10, 2019
Published inOpenNeuroThe most open and sharing labs on OpenNeuro (May-August, 2019)We are excited to release the standings of our triannual Hall of Fame! This Hall of Fame recognizes neuroimaging labs that have shared the…Sep 13, 2019Sep 13, 2019
Published inStanford Center for Reproducible NeuroscienceBIDS usage survey resultsWe recently distributed to evaluate how the neuroimaging community uses BIDS in their labs. We were interested in what data types BIDS was…Jun 4, 2019Jun 4, 2019
Published inOpenNeuroSearch by OpenNeuro MetadataWe are excited to announce a new resource for searching OpenNeuro public datasets! Our OpenNeuro Dataset Metadata Google Sheet captures…May 31, 2019May 31, 2019
Published inOpenNeuroThe most open and sharing labs on OpenNeuro (Spring 2019)We are excited to release the updated quarterly standings of our Hall of Fame! The Hall of Fame recognizes neuroimaging labs that have…May 25, 2019May 25, 2019
Published inStanford Center for Reproducible NeuroscienceBIDS-Computational Models SummaryA few weeks ago (April 3–5, 2019), we hosted a 3-day meeting at Princeton University to further develop and extend BIDS to cover…Apr 18, 2019Apr 18, 2019
Published inOpenNeuroBIDS extends into EEG and iEEG.We are excited to announce BIDS now supports EEG (electroencephalography) and iEEG (intracranial electrophysiology) raw data organization…Mar 11, 2019Mar 11, 2019
Published inOpenNeuroThe most open and sharing labs on OpenNeuro (February 2019) | Stanford Center for Reproducible…We are excited to announce the OpenNeuro Hall of Fame! The Hall of Fame celebrates neuroimaging labs that share the most data on OpenNeuro…Feb 21, 2019Feb 21, 2019