Startup Marketing Essentials

3 min readAug 27, 2022


A startup’s success is highly dependent on its marketing efforts. Startups need to make their marketing messages resonate with consumers and stand out from the competition. Identifying your unique selling proposition, or WHY, will help you find the right ways to communicate your message to prospective customers. Ideally, your startup’s message will inspire action and create a sense of understanding between you and your customers. For example, Apple answers the question “Why do I want to use your product?” By addressing this question, consumers will engage with your product. Read more great facts on b2b marketing agency, click here.

Startups need to build their brand by identifying their customer’s problems and solving them. To do this, they should use story-telling. This type of storytelling is incredibly powerful. Experts like Seth Godin advise that creating a compelling story is a key to differentiation from competitors. In addition, startup marketing is about building a relationship with your customer and providing a genuinely relevant experience.

Once you have a good understanding of your target customers’ problems and needs, you should develop a marketing strategy that will meet these problems. This includes defining your ideal customer profile. The ICP will guide your business’s approach to choosing the right marketing tactics. This profile should account for the firmographic, environmental, and behavioral characteristics of your target audience. For more useful reference regarding startup marketing agency, have a peek here.

Your startup’s marketing budget should be based on the KPIs of your product. A good rule of thumb is to spend 12 to 20 percent of gross revenue on marketing. For older companies, six to 12% is a reasonable amount to allocate for marketing. However, it’s a good idea to start marketing only when your product has been tested and you can measure your KPIs. After that, you can develop a marketing strategy that will reach out to your target audience and measure its performance.

The most important asset for most startups is feedback. It’s important to build an agile system for making improvements. Eric Ries’ book The Lean Startup calls this process the Iteration Cycle. However, a simple ‘give us feedback’ form is not sufficient — most people won’t share feedback unless they’re given incentives. You should also meet with your users and analyze their behavior data to help your product.

While the profits of a startup are often high, it’s important to understand that a startup’s marketing budget is not the same as its sales, revenue, or engagement. This means that you should spend less than twenty percent of your revenue on marketing and focus on retention instead. While you can use Google Keyword Planner to find the right keywords, it’s likely to take time and effort. Please view this site for further details.

Reaching journalists and other media outlets is not always easy, but it’s worth the effort if you’re able to get your product covered. The media that writes about your startup is usually a great way to increase brand awareness, so it’s crucial to make yours stand out in their pages.

