Pick and Roll?

Frank Ogallo
2 min readMar 25, 2019


Basketball is an intense game. In 13 seconds, a team that was down 10 points can end up winning by 5.

On any given Sunday, any team can beat any other team. Translation; (the worst team can beat the shit out of the best team in the world.)

One of the most entertaining things in basketball, both in practice and in league games is dialogue. People (both coaches and players) talk lots of trash, and lots of good stuff to uplift teammates as well.

No one likes Refs. For various obvious reasons 😅

You might need a translator for this.

‘Nkt! Yaani leo natoka na doughnut kwa scoresheet?’

‘Unaona Kwa hiyo 1–3–1? Badala ya kupassia Brayo, Skip ile weak side, ntakua nacut unipee nifunge'

‘Tutashika huyo msee aje? Tumtrap? Anasumbua Sana manze!’

Huyu Ref ni Fala by the way, Wasee! tugware tu na tugware strong!’

‘Sitapass hii ball. Coach akitaka avae jersy akuje acheze!’

‘Hakuna kitu HAPA!!! Nyi ni wadogo!’

‘Ondeng in 3! … 1! 2! 3! ONDENG!’

