The ToDo App Challenge

The Hangry Coder
2 min readAug 11, 2019


It has been awhile since I’ve written a new story. I was thinking what to write about. After some deep inner searching of my soul I decided to work on a new personal project. It’s something I’ve actually wanted to do about 3 years ago, but never had the time to do this. I still don’t have the time, but I just have to make some time I guess :)

Wat challenge?

I’m a frontend developer. Okay also some backend .. okay .. I’m fullstack. I wanted to have a project to learn about new technology. In frontend world, things go fast like warp speed 10. So how can I keep up with these developments?

So I’ve created a challenge for myself. I want to create a Todo application, you know the one that you usually get with tutorials when learning a new frontend framework. But in my challenge I want to create the same application in different frontend frameworks. This way I can learn from the different frameworks and also maybe have some bragging rights to say I’ve created a todo app in <x> framework :)

Frontend frameworks

So I’ve compiled a list wich frameworks I want to start with. It’s no secret that I’m an Angular developer, so my first framework would be … yes Angular. This way I can also set a baseline. As for the others I’m planning to use Vue.js and React, although this list may expand.

What about backend?

So who will cover my back? I’ve given it a lot of thought. I’ve always used PHP, but I’m ready to learn some new stuff. Recently I’ve discovered NestJS. It’s a NodeJS framework using TypeScript and inspired by Angular.


I also need to store the todo items. I don’t want to mock the data, I want a real database. I’ve always used MySql, so for this project I will keep on using this, but I might change to a different database.

The Todo app

This is a list of the functionalities:

  • Add / edit / delete a todo item
  • Set/unset the status of a todo item
  • (Maybe) adding categories


  • Setup backend
  • Setup frontend application(s)
  • (Maybe) Deploy application(s) online

Let’s begin

So, now I should start coding I guess :). I will try to update the progress on Medium.

