3 provocative Ways Christians Are Called To Share God’s Love

Do you intentionally not reflect God’s love in your life or are you just ignorant about it?

Francis Ekwunife
3 min readJul 3, 2023
Image courtesy of LavenderVines.com

Does any of this sound like you?

I don’t like the way I live my life.

What about my life doesn’t reflect the love God has for me?

Or you wonder, am I useless in God’s plan to save his people?

You are not alone. Millions of Christians feel the same way. Yet, if you remain that way, God will never use you to further his Kingdom.

Fortunately, there are solutions.

Use your wallet

Fund programs and charities that promote spreading God’s word to others who need it.

Donate resources like your time, money, and materials to those who need them in your community and give God the glory for what you did.

I remember a time when I gave my money to those who needed it for a hotdog sale happening at my school.

I’m sure what they saw when I gave them my money was God’s love for them.

Live your life the way Jesus lived his.

Whenever you try to live your life the way Jesus did, people can’t help but see God in you. I know this because I’ve experienced it.

They can’t help but see God in you because you would have to change to be like God.

Image courtesy of Brighton the day

Whenever people notice your attitude and your charitable behaviour, all they will witness is God’s love.

God’s power is rested on anyone willing to accept it when they decide to live their lives like Christ.

It is a kind of power that can’t be hidden from the world no matter how hard you try.

Image courtesy of Pray With Confidence

I live my life looking for ways to love others the way God loves me.

The grace, blessing, and power that God has rested on me is one that everyone I meet sees in me.

Pray and spend time with God.

Image courtesy of The Church of Jesus Christ

You can only know how to love people well and when best to do it if you take the time to ask God for these things.

Spend time with Him. He will open your eyes to when and how you should show his love to others.

A deeper relationship with God will cause Him to release to you higher levels of favour and blessings which will be seen by others.

Image courtesy of United Faith Church

I spend time praying and being in God’s presence.

Our relationship has reached a point where I include Him in everything I do. He tells me instantly how and when to show His love.


We are all called to share God’s love through our actions, words, and in the way we live our lives.

Whether it be by giving your resources to God-centered projects.

Or living your life the way Jesus lived His

Or by asking God when and how to show His love to others.

You have endless options on how to spread God’s love.

But you should always be left thinking, am I willing to be a member of God’s mission on earth to save as many people as He can?

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Francis Ekwunife

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