Frantisek RokusekinCommitted Engineers — by Per AngustaBenchmarking In Ruby And How To Avoid Background Jobs Memory Explosion!This story is about how to overcome huge memory usage by Ruby Excel spreadsheet exporters when dealing with massive data.Oct 14, 2020Oct 14, 2020
Frantisek RokusekinCommitted Engineers — by Per AngustaSetup Azure AD OAuth 2.0 with Ruby on Rails and DeviseThis is a step-by-step guide for OAuth 2.0 authentication setup with Rails and Devise!Jul 9, 20205Jul 9, 20205
Frantisek RokusekinCommitted Engineers — by Per AngustaHow to overcome code legacy when migrating from Paperclip to ActiveStorage?Migrating from one gem to another is not always a piece of cake! Hopefully, there is always a solution… Here it is!Feb 7, 2020Feb 7, 2020
Frantisek RokusekinCommitted Engineers — by Per AngustaRails I18n, the power of internationalisation: the burden of processes!Why should any start-up bother about i18n at start! Starting well to expand fast!Dec 6, 2019Dec 6, 2019