Schliess dich dem Bündnis für globale Regeneration an

Franz Josef Allmayer
Published in
29 min readApr 8, 2020

Aktualisiert am 24/03/2020. Weitere Übersetzungen sind am Ende dieses Artikels zu finden. Wenn Sie mit diesem Artikel einverstanden sind, unterzeichnen Sie das Versprechen und helfen Sie bei der Verbreitung des Wissens. Weiter unten finden Sie eine Auflistung der Organisationen, die den Aufruf zur globalen Regeneration erhört haben und sich dieser globalen Bewegung angeschlossen haben.

Ein Finanzsystem, das die regenerativen und ethischen Organisationen und Bewegungen der Welt belohnt, finanziert und verbindet.

Schliess dich dem Bündnis für globale Regeneration an.

Ein gesundes Finanzsystem ist eines, das sich langfristig aufrecht halten kann, eines, das die Menschen und Organisationen, die unsere Erde lebenswerter, blühender und schöner machen, am grosszügigsten belohnt.

Wir sind uns alle einig, dass das derzeitige Finanzsystem nicht zweckentsprechend ist.

Überall auf der Welt entscheiden sich Menschen und Unternehmen gegen kurzfristige finanzielle Interessen, um auf ethische und regenerative Art für ihre Gemeinden und unseren Planeten zu arbeiten.

Es ist an der Zeit, ein Finanzsystem zu schaffen, das diese Menschen und Unternehmen am meisten belohnt.

Es ist Zeit, dass wir uns um ein gemeinsames Ziel herum zusammenschließen, um eine blühende, globale Zivilisation zu schaffen, indem wir unseren Planeten regenerieren und den Menschen, die dazu beitragen, eine Stimme zurückzugeben.

Wir bitten alle Organisationen, die sich der Schaffung einer besseren Welt verschrieben haben, sich dem Bündnis und diesem Vorhaben anzuschliessen.


Wenn Sie der Meinung sind, dass das derzeitige Finanzsystem uns versagt, lesen Sie weiter.

Wenn Ihnen Nachhaltigkeit und die Schaffung eines gesünderen Planeten am Herzen liegt, lesen Sie weiter.

Wenn Sie sich um eine direkte, transparente und spürbare Stimme in der Regierungsführung bemühen, lesen Sie weiter.

Wenn Sie sich um die Gleichberechtigung aller Beteiligten und eine faire Verteilung der Werte bemühen, lesen Sie weiter.

Wenn Sie sich eine gesündere globale Zivilisation wünschen, lesen Sie weiter.

Neuausrichtung unserer Finanzsysteme

Seit der Finanzkrise von 2008 sind unsere globalen Finanzsysteme nur noch brüchiger geworden, und es sieht gerade so aus, als würde sich die Geschichte wiederholen, nur noch schlimmer.

Wir können die Banken (wieder) retten, oder wir haben eine andere Wahl…

Wir können den kollektiven Reichtum der Menschheit auf würdigere Ziele ausrichten, wie die Regeneration unseres Planeten, die Einrichtung widerstandsfähigerer lokaler Nahrungsmittelsysteme und die Unterstützung der unzähligen Organisationen, die eine regenerative Zivilisation aufbauen.

Ein regeneratives Finanzmodell

Was wir brauchen, ist ein Finanzmodell, das nicht nur darauf ausgerichtet ist, den Planeten, seine Schönheit, seine Vielfalt, seine Menschen oder seine Ressourcen zu erhalten — sondern auch auf die Regeneration des Planeten und die Erhöhung unserer globalen Vielfalt und Gesundheit Wert legt.

SEEDS ist ein Finanzsystem, das Anreize und Belohnungen für die globale Regeneration neu ordnet.

SEEDS vereint regenerative Projekte, Bewegungen, Organisationen und Menschen zu einem dezentralisierten Ganzen. Es verteilt Wert an diejenigen, die hart daran arbeiten, die Menschen, unseren Planeten und unsere Gemeinden zu heilen.

SEEDS ist ein Finanzsystem, welches im Laufe der Zeit immer dezentralisierter und gerechter wird — und damit den Trend der Ungleichheit und Machtkonzentration der heute dominierenden Systeme umkehrt.

Jetzt können Organisationen, die besondere Schritte unternehmen, um zu nachhaltigeren und ethischeren Praktiken zu gelangen, endlich mehr Einkommen für diese Entscheidungen erhalten!

Mehr dazu hier: “Ein regeneratives Finanzsystem für eine blühende globale Zivilisation

Und hier: “Krypto-Währung”: Eine Lösung für unsere Umweltkrise

Eine Globale Allianz

Vielleicht haben Sie schon von Libra gehört, einer neuen digitalen Währung welche von einem Konsortium von Korporationen, geschaffen wurde. SEEDS macht etwas Ähnliches, aber mit einem anderen Schwerpunkt, der dem Wohle der Menschen und des Planeten ausgerichtet ist.

Es wurde speziell für all die Projekte, Organisationen und Menschen geschaffen, die Gutes für die Welt tun.

Statt Gebühren zu verlangen, um Teil dieser Bewegung zu werden, verteilt SEEDS Wert an Verbündete, die von den Bürgern ausgewählt werden.

Mehr dazu hier: “ Libra — eine Währung von (und für) Unternehmen. Seeds — eine Währung von den Menschen für unseren Planeten”.

Förderungen für Allianzorganisationen

Beim Beitreten dieses Bündnisses sind Sie berechtigt von den Bürgern von SEEDS einen Grant zu beantragen, den Sie für Ihre Ziele verwenden können. Mit zunehmendem Wachstum der SEEDS Gemeinschaft und dem Wert der Seeds Währung, wächst auch der Wert unserer Zuschüsse und der Betrag, den wir vergeben können.

Dies bringt alle unsere finanziellen Interessen in Einklang.

Soweit wir feststellen können, gibt es bereits regenerative Organisationen und Projekte für jeden Aspekt, die eine alternative (regenerative) Gesellschaft braucht, um zu gedeihen.

Diese Förderungen gehen an diese Organisationen, um unsere Interessen zusammen zu weben. Mit dem Erfolg von SEEDS sind auch Sie erfolgreich!

Wir alle können unsere Rolle individuell spielen und einen Unterschied machen, aber stellen Sie sich die unendlichen Möglichkeiten vor, wenn wir uns zu einer Einheit zusammenschliessen würden.

Alle verteilten Förderungen werden auf einem Sperrkonto für die Organisation bis zum “Go Live” von SEEDS (~Q1/Q2 2021) gehalten. Mit dem Wachstum von SEEDS wächst der USD-Wert der Förderungen und damit auch der Vermögenswert, den dieses neue Finanzsystem verteilen kann. Weitere Informationen über Förderungen finden Sie unter “2-Pager and Benefits for Organisations”.

TRETE DEM BÜNDNIS BEI - Erster Schritt zu einem Grant!

Wie bringen wir die Leute dazu, dieses neue Währungssystem zu adoptieren?

Besser als kostenlose Transaktionen

Wir brauchten einen einfachen motivierenden Katalysator, um die Adoption voranzutreiben. Dafür schuf SEEDS die erste “besser als kostenlose” und intrinsisch stabile Währung der Welt.

Als Allianzorganisation kann man für die Annahme von Zahlungen belohnt werden, anstatt Gebühren zu verlangen. Menschen können beim Ausgeben von Seeds, um ihre Bedürfnisse zu erfüllen, Belohnungen (im Gegensatz zur Zahlung von Gebühren) erhalten.

Dies kehrt den derzeitigen Trend der Gebührenbelastung um und verstärkt die Adoption von Seeds.

Seeds sind lohnender auszugeben und wertbeständiger als Bargeld. Dies kann als die optimale Währung und Grundlage für ein neues Finanzsystem dienen.

Mehr dazu hier: “Eine wirtschaftliche Renaissance”.

Dezentralisierte Governance— von den Menschen für unseren Planeten

SEEDS spielt die Rolle eines evolutionären und dezentralisierten Governance- und Finanzsystems.

Dies bedeutet, dass SEEDS direkt von allen Bürgern von SEEDS verwaltet, entwickelt und kontrolliert wird — nicht von den Organisationen, die SEEDS aufbauen.

Das bedeutet, dass jede Person, die dies liest, die Möglichkeit hat, Bürger zu werden und an der direkten Verwaltung und Entwicklung dieses neuen Modells teilzunehmen. Dies ist so konzipiert, dass die gesamte Bevölkerung direkt daran teilhaben kann.

In diesem neuen System, das wir gemeinsam erschaffen, möchten wir, dass Sie die direkte Kontrolle über die Entwicklung des Systems haben.

Eine Zivilisation ohne Grenzen

SEEDS ist eine globale Zivilisation, die Menschen um ein gemeinsames Ziel und eine gemeinsame Vision anstelle künstlicher Grenzen vereint. Das bedeutet, dass jeder auf der Welt an dieser Entstehung teilhaben kann.

Die globale Konvergenz und den Übergang zu einer gesünderen globalen Gesellschaft erleichtern.

Eine Lektion in globaler Zusammenarbeit

Als Nächstes müssen wir zusammenkommen, uns abstimmen, zusammenarbeiten und für unsere gemeinsamen Ziele Wert erzeugen und diesen Wert auf die Heilung der Menschen und unseres Planeten ausrichten.

Gemeinsam werden wir uns gegenseitig hochheben, Informationen, Mittel und Netzwerke austauschen mit dem Ziel, den Planeten zu heilen.

Lasst uns endlich beginnen, auf globaler Ebene zusammenzuarbeiten und eine robuste alternative Gesellschaft für uns alle zu schaffen.

Sind Sie bereit?


Möchten Sie mehr Informationen?

1-Seiten für Medienbündnisse
2-Seiten für Organisationen
4-Seiten für Veranstaltungen, Festivals und Versammlungen

Treffen Sie die Verbündeten, die den Aufruf erhört haben, und schliessen Sie sich dieser globalen Bewegung an!

Treffen Sie die [152] Verbündeten, die gemeinsam eine regenerative Zivilisation erschaffen.

November ’19 Gründung des Netzwerks
Dezember ’19 21 bestätigte Verbündete
Januar ’20 42 bestätigte Verbündete
Februar ’20 88 bestätigte Verbündete

März ’20 108 bestätigte Verbündete (Öffentlicher Launch)

April ’20 152 bestätigte Verbündete

Hinweis: Dieser Artikel wird zyklisch mit jedem Neumond aktualisiert.
Hinweis: Die Mitglieder der Allianz sind alphabetisch nach Kategorien geordnet. Sie können dies als Referenz verwenden, um ausgerichtete Organisationen zu finden, die Sie unterstützen möchten.


Descendants’ Alliance

Descendants’ Alliance implements indigenous knowledge and ancient wisdom to uplift place-based ecological knowledge and establish autonomous communities for an abundant, regenerative future.

Emma Lake Grove Carbon Drawdown Project

They grow bamboo for use as food and raw material. Bamboo draws carbon dioxide from the atmosphere at a rapid rate and use it for sustainable and regenerative projects. They help farmers add bamboo to their farms to diversify their enterprises. SEEDS aligns with the Drawdown Project to amplify their efforts towards regenerative solutions to our climate crisis.

Fast Forward Foundation

Fast Forward Namibia promotes a new approach to getting ALL Namibians to a state of well-being — and leading a happy and productive life. An eco-village network is the heart of the FastForward Namibia Plan to lift us all out of poverty while giving us a good life — in which everyone finds work and income and a place to call home. Fast Forward Namibia aligns with the SEEDS community for an alternate plan for Namibia promoting a harmonious life — in tune with nature — and our loved ones.


KayX connects cultural creative people and encourages them to meet up face-to-face as a basis for trust relationships, flourishing real-life collaboration and co-creation for a better tomorrow. Global challenges require a shift in humanity’s consciousness and awareness, together with a fundamental change of perspective on economy, capital, mindfulness and generosity.

KayX joins forces with SEEDS to empower communities and their members to enable humanity to achieve a Type 1 civilization on the Kardashev Scale becoming a peaceful planetary society, reaching out to other civilizations.

Le Ciel Foundation

Dedicated to helping people navigate a global paradigm shift, UK based charity Le Ciel Foundation addresses humanity’s separation from nature and from its true nature. Bridging the know-how and ingenuity of modernity with the wisdom of ancestral traditions, they adopt a system change approach to catalysing both individual and collective transformation.

Guided by the knowledge and values of wisdom traditions, Le Ciel Foundation and SEEDS align in supporting the emergence of a paradigm in which people, nature and all living beings can thrive.

Mangwende Orphan Care Trust

Mangwende Orphan Care Trust is a locally driven project which seeks to reverse family disintegration resulting from the devastating effects of HIV/AIDS, poverty and diseases consequently leading to countless numbers of orphans and child headed families.

Mangwende Orphan Care Trust and SEEDS align to facilitate the socio-economic transformation of Zimbabwe and Africa as a whole, by educating, assisting and advocating for widows, orphans, the elderly, vulnerable and the underprivileged through permaculture education and practice.

Mettā Creative

Our mission is to connect and inspire a mettā-driven community to live more sustainably through transformational experiences. Metta Creative is a purpose driven community organization with access to proprietary AR technology utilized to inspire others to live more sustainably.

Our mission aligns with SEEDS in the commitment to facilitating experiences that benefit the human condition, the environment, and the community.

Obrobibini Peace Complex

Obrobibini Peace Complex (OPC) supports materially poor people in low-income countries through the development and maintenance of centres of learning. OPC’s first centre is located in Ghana. The objective of the centres is to foster living in peace and harmony with fellow human beings and nature.

OPC aligns with SEEDS to empower people to unfold their full potential.

Partners in Rural Integration and Development Organization-Sierra Leone.

Is an indigenous community based organization which seeks to address the most urgent and pressing needs of deprived and marginalized people of the society. Partners in Rural Integration and Development Organization-Sierra Leone and SEEDS align to empower capacity building and socioeconomic development of Sierra Leone and Africa as a whole by educating, assisting, and advocating for deprived, marginalized and vulnerable segments of the society through permaculture education and practice.


Sennamiki means in nahuatl remembering the connection with the entire universe and ourselves. Our mission is to help create community and regenerate the land through our volunteer program based on reforestation and agroecological practices. We are a medicine tribe of light warriors from Costa Rica who are dedicated to transform self and land through the power of love and unity. We are here to serve.

The Homelessness Novel Project

Telling stories for the homeless and sharing them with the wider community through art, t/shirts, posters and graphic novels. The revenue generated supports the homeless, artists and this project. SEEDS aligns with the Homelessness Novel Project to provide a fresh start — in a new economic system — for those who are homeless and experiencing economic distress.

Verdant World

Verdant World provides facilitated acceleration services to the ecosystem of organizations and individuals working to recover the health of the world’s forests. SEEDS aligns with Verdant World to amplify the regenerative efforts across the globe.


Whakamana provides the public with freely available, educational, fun experiences about Cannabis ‘plant –power’, and the medical profession with cutting edge research and accredited courses to advance their knowledge in the use of cannabis in medicines. As well as pioneering new uses for Cannabis as a viable, sustainable food and fibre source.

Food & Agriculture

Aiye Alkame

Aiye Alkame soil solutions are based on Regenerative Agriculture principles and are powered by earth chemistry. They are dedicated to farmers who are responding to the global demand for greater efficiency and productivity of crops, while lowering the carbon intensity of production.

Aiye Alkame and SEEDS align to scale the regenerative agricultural movement by promoting soil life while conforming with the natural laws of healthy soil, and encouraging the symbiotic relationships of soil, crops, and environmental stewardship.

Cultivate Christchurch

Cultivate is a youth development programme building a network of urban farms, propagated and powered by young people. Cultivate provides organic food and employment training alongside our skilled farmers and counsellors. Cultivate and SEEDS join forces to empower the Local Food Economy.

Conscious Landscape

Ecological Landscape Designers, specialising in Biomimicry, Agroecology, Rewilding and Reforestation to grow the regenerative movement. SEEDS and Conscious Landscape align in the physical practice of bioregional regeneration.

Green and Gold

Utilizing technology and scientific knowledge to develop tools, technologies and practices for the production of food at scale while promoting sustainable living systems. Our mission is to make these tools, technologies and practices the standard for sustainable food production across the world.


Geonauts is a global consortium serving as counsel, and stewards for specialty crop producers, processors, buyers and brands in realizing optimal harvests, and value chains. By hands-on experience, emerging technology, applied science, and data, Geonauts design, build, support and supply living systems for Earth, and space. Regenerative ecology, economy and community development enacts our collective mission of Geotherapy (healing Earth), generating and nourishing life, feeding 10 Billion people, and accomplishing the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Maasai Center for Regenerative Pastoralism

The Maasai Center for Regenerative Pastoralism was started in 2013 triggered by the devastating drought that decimated the livestock in their Maasai community in Kajiado County. The aim is to help the Maasai become more resilient by addressing the causes of climate change, drought looking for ways to protect the Maasai culture in a changing world. The Maasai Center for Regenerative Pastoralism and SEEDS align to enable the community to become socially and economically empowered whilst living in harmony with the natural environment. ​


OOOOBY’s guiding vision is millions of small-scale food producers and independent distributors united across an open global marketplace. Currently in 4 countries OOOOBY and SEEDS join forces to empower the Local Food Economy.

Paul & Konomi’s Garden

Permaculture garden/regenerated forest advancing biodiversity in Chilean Patagonia offering garden tours & workshops, organic seeds/fermented foods, books. Administrators of the Austral Garden Route.

Rainbow of Hope

Our mission is to strengthen rural communities and promote sustainable agriculture by linking urban families with rural farmers, while providing healthy and safe food for all. Rainbow of Hope and SEEDS align to foster self-sustainable healthy cities that rely on strong and healthy rural communities.

Recipes For Reciprocity: The Regenerative Way From Seed To Table

Offering a book that invites the reader to reconnect to the land from which their food comes. The book comes with recipes and the seeds to grow food for them. Empowering individuals to regenerate their health, ecosystems and our relationship to nature.


S33D is a distributed seed & story library that seeks to recalibrate the value of seed saving and storytelling within both our local and global economies. Aligning with SEEDS to set up S33D pods and seed libraries across the globe to store and preserve biodiversity, wisdom and abundance.


Smart Agro redesigns agriculture in order to add long term value to people, communities and the ecosystem and in order to achieve a carbon negative economy that rewards regeneration. SEEDS and smart agro align to create a regenerative agriculture system powered and governed by the people and for the planet.

Zambian Institute of Agriculture

Leading leaders into agriculture transformation. SEEDS aligns with ZIA to help the local food transformation in Africa flourish.

Events, Festivals & Gatherings

Events serve as a portal to a new world. SEEDS aligns with these events to offer their communities a tool that goes beyond the event and enables these communities to keep aligning, growing, connecting and building when the event ends.

Burning Horse

Burning Horse is a farm festival on a mission to reconnect people with the land, to exhibit radical diversity, land-use optimization and how to have an epic good time doing so. Burning Horse horse brings together regenerators and change-makers — SEEDS aligns to provide those change-makers exponential tools.

Cosmic Convergence Festival

The Cosmic Convergence Festival is a transformative cultural initiative designed to leave a positive social and local impact. The festival supports different artists, organizations and community projects, encouraging a platform between cultures, individuals and social impact projects.

Embody Convergence

Embody is a regenerative event that enhances the conscious evolution movement by EMBODYing a new Global Operations System that helps to transcend relational differences into co-creation. SEEDS supports embody events by providing rewards to attendees, sponsorship and technological tools that aid cooperation. While Embody is a physical manifestation of the regenerative movement that is sweeping our planet and helping people activate their potential and utilize all the tools available to them.

Planet Home

Planet Home is a global movement of solutionaries striving for a world where people live in equilibrium with the planet: where each person makes conscious decisions today to create a better tomorrow. Planet Home brings together artists, scientists and investors into one platform to provide solutions to humanity’s greatest crises. SEEDS aligns with Planet Home to provide them the governance and financial layer to unite and amplify their highest purpose of regenerating our communities and planet.

Tipping Point Festival

Birthing on the 2020 summer solstice. TPF is a global alliance of music and culture events committed to thrivability for all. These events host hackathons, workshops, playshops, challenges and information sharing all about how we can transform our cities, bioregions and planet.


Wonderfruit is a progressive, sustainable and community directed festival that takes place in Thailand. It has been called “much more than just the burning man of Asia…” and draws crowds of 23,000+ each year. SEEDS aligns with Wonderfruit to continue to expand on their mission to provide a regenerative, healthy and empowering experience for their community.

World Consciousness Forum

The World Consciousness Forum exists to bring together a growing force of conscious creators, leaders, and change makers to shape a brighter future. Motivated by humanity and hope, we believe collective consciousness can manifest and accelerate impactful change. SEEDS sponsors WCF to grow the movement and provide tools for WCF to better serve its community and the overall movement towards a more conscious and regenerative civilization.


Be Good

An app to Empower humanity to Be Good. Connecting humans and businesses with incentives that encourage simple actions such as Reuse and buying better. Built-in personal carbon and water savings tally. SEEDS and Be Good align to provide tools to empower people to be more regenerative.

Collective Intelligence Collaboratory

CICOLAB is a “change tank,” a combination of a think tank and a do-tank, which brings together radically diverse people in focused, online roundtable discussions to pool our unique expertise. Our aim is to create an accessible, academically rigorous, and thoughtful body of knowledge that can guide people into exponentially wiser and more effective collaboration.

CICOLAB and SEEDS align to leverage Collective Intelligence (CI) and work together to envision and create the future we want for ourselves and our children.

Digital Life Collective

Digital Life Collective members research, develop, fund and support Tech We Trust technologies that prioritize our autonomy, privacy and dignity. Our tech, not their tech.​We believe the digital technologies we use should serve without stalking us, protect without limiting us, and empower without betraying us. We believe they should be accessible to all, without exception. We nurture Tech We Trust. We are the team behind cooperation-as-a-service (CaaS).

Earth Nation

The Earth Nation is an International Alliance of Positive Change Organizations; dedicated to finding, developing, and sharing solutions for all known problems and challenges. SEEDS and EN formed an alliance to research, promote and share technologies and tools that support planetary regeneration.

Future Proper

Future Proper is a co-op of artists, designers, contractors and fabricators that work collaboratively to create immersive experiences. They value the Human Mythos and use it as inspiration to create stories within spaces that tell about the ‘Future Proper’; a more beautiful and interesting world we know is possible. SEEDS aligns with Future Proper to support meta-pattern design cooperatives that leverage regenerative design principles to create open-source templates and holistic value sharing models that empower local communities.

Green Steps

Green Steps connects people with nature. We design and implement experiential activities to increase empathy for each other and the planet. We offer training, digital and physical toolkit to build a network of non-profit nature learning centers around the world. We envision a world in which people are in balance with nature and perceive Mother Earth as our common home. Our mission is to Pioneer 3rd millennium learning to secure survival and unfold human potential.

Impact Leaders Club

Our mission is to introduce new business models that can steer the market forces in a sustainable path; business models that can scale quickly and impact millions of people. Impact Leaders Club aligns with the SEEDS community to envision Humanity entering a win-win era; where wealth redistribution overturns poverty while regenerating natural ecosystems and communities.

I Trust You

A community, dedicated to the life and prosperity of our planet. It’s members are spread across every corner of the globe and are connected by a common desire to see all Earth species free and safe. I Trust You and SEEDS co-host convergences, gatherings and events that build resilient networks of entrepreneurs and change-makers. We align to provide these people with tools to amplify their causes and co-create a new story for humanity.

Mycelium Network

Mycelium network is a global movement of regenerators, entrepreneurs, change-makers and activists that are building platforms, tools, events and movements to co-create a healthier world. SEEDS aligns with this movement to offer tools to these innovators and their projects.

New World Together

New World Together is a think tank and advocacy group dedicated to researching the root causes of our society’s biggest problems and promoting associated individual, collective and systemic solutions. SEEDS aligns with NWT to provide knowledge of the root causes and solutions to evolve beyond them to provide more awareness and tools to those who desire.


SteemChurch is the first ever Christian Church of the blockchain. United in values they crusade for family, for faith and for freedom. Aligning with SEEDS to spread the message of regeneration, freedom and empowerment possible with these new paradigm tools.


Together is co-creating Infinite World Game; a whole systems platform and innovation for planetary and universal scale co-creation. They are excited about next level civilizations and have aligned with SEEDS to advance these tools and provide alternative methods for global collaboration and collective evolution.

The Psychedelic Society

The Psychedelic Society believes the conscious use of psychedelics can help create a more compassionate and joyful world through an appreciation of the unity and interconnectedness of all things. After decades of misinformation, and outlawing on political as opposed to scientific grounds, the potential of these substances is starting to be recognised again. SEEDS and The Psychedelic Society align to amplify our transition to a regenerative culture by helping people regenerate themselves.


Nada Brahma Ltd.

Nada Brahma is pioneering the science of “Musical Nutrition” (how the benefits of music work for different contexts and conditions). with personalised musical engagement for your health and potential.

Personal Development

Bliss Pilates

Bliss Pilates proposes sessions for individuals and groups to improve health through movement and bodywork. SEEDS aligns with this movement as good health is a necessary component of living with balance and in peace.

Co-creative Universe

Inspiring a co-creative universe. Sponsoring talks, workshops, and growing initiatives. Such as a (small) village of creation that is an example for a co-creative universe.

Conscious Universe

‘Conscious Universe combines ancient wisdom with new technology to enlighten society. Their platform financially incentivises personal development and spiritual growth using social media and cryptocurrency. Conscious Universe and SEEDS have partnered to bring awareness to this movement, share the message and discover the best ways to activate our communities. This partnership has led to the video on the website and other creative communications.


EQCulture provides shifts in company and education cultures to embrace human connection and increase communications within your team. EQ Culture and SEEDS aligns to bring EQ wisdom and knowledge to not only this movement but also to the tools being crafted to better aide in our personal and civilizational transformation.

Flow Into Now

Flow into now are tools to guide people into the present moment and a greater awareness of life to cultivate their own true nature NOW. Aligning with SEEDS to aid in the internal transformation necessary to truly transform our global civilizations. Listen•Breathe•Nourish•Flow

Gaia Academy

Gaia Academy offers a wealth of knowledge and courses on holistic design, permaculture, dragon dreaming, sociocracy and so much more. Gaia Academy is one of the new paradigm educational centres.

High Vibe

HighVibe.Network is an experience ecosystem built for the wellness industry. Designed to incentivize personal growth and address the vibrant $4.2 USD Trillion wellness market. SEEDS provides the financial and governance tools for a new society. High Vibe provides the entertainment, education and conscious empowerment platform for this new society.

Nursel Arslan Therapies — Your Soul Guide

As a systemic family therapist, kinesiology practitioner and soul coach. They hold space, assist and support clients and systems by treating trauma, pain and hurt or other invisible struggles, offering soul constellation & coaching, as well as kinesiology online and in person. They align with SEEDS to bring love & healing into the world. They aling with SEEDS to address the systemic though patterns that are created by and give rise to our cultures.


Realifex is behind the popular “Coachin’ Up Your Life” applications. These tools aim to optimise wellbeing. SEEDS and Realifex come together to focus on human well-being and the UI of the SEEDS Passport and future applications using the SEEDS financial system.

We Are Fear Hackers

Our vision is to bring awareness to every single human of how simple and doable it is for anyone who is genuinely interested to remove suffering from their lives, by mentoring and showing how fear, doubt, limiting thinking and negative emotions are reminders and fuel to thrive instead of reasons to get stuck and suffer. This is done online & offline. Whatever it takes. We Are Fear Hackers and SEEDS align to bring more fun, bliss and love everyday.

Regenerative Homes

Dear Earth Wise

Dear Wise Earth is a Costa Rican based Regenerative agency/fund for dwelling systems, focused on transitioning individuals, organizations and businesses into resilient climate-ready scenarios. DWELLings are off-the-grid Living Labs for social environmental resilience, focused on exploring the way we can improve our approach to food, water, economy, ownership, entertainment and art. DWELLs partners with SEEDS in this exploration towards a regenerative development of the bio-region and new models for civilization.


Ohu builds communities by building buildings. They work with groups to create collectively owned assets that distribute wealth equitably, in so doing creating places of connection and belonging. SEEDS and OHU aim to provide people with collectively owned towns, buildings and assets. Helping communities reclaim the commons and build environments designed for connection and purpose.


A platform and a community of over 800 “impact centers” and meaningful experiences facilitating personal transformation and accelerating the development of regenerative living centers. NuMundo and SEEDS align to envision a network of interconnected autonomous, sustainable communities across the globe towards global regeneration.



Autopia is an open-source tool for organizing co-created micro-festivals and other real-life gatherings, typically for between 20–200 people and between 2 days-2 weeks long.

Commons Stack

Commons Stack is building commons-based microeconomies to sustain public goods through incentive alignment, continuous funding and community governance. Our library of open-source, interoperable web3 components are designed to put effective new tools in the hands of communities, enabling them to raise and allocate shared funds, make transparent decisions, and monitor their progress in supporting the Commons. SEEDS and Commons Stack align to create a world where public goods are valued fairly for the benefits they deliver.


A ‘community as a service’ platform that allows any group to set up and manage a suite of tools to build, grow and unite their global community. SEEDS and connective align to bring the power of wealth creation and distribution to these communities. Giving them an integrated route to make payments, send tips, budgeting and build community without transaction fees.

Diadem Network

Diadem Network provides mechanism to verify contributions in real-time and allows them to make transparent donations for verifiable achievements. SEEDS uses these tools to run the decentralized campaigns, such as #PlantSeedsGetSeeds and #GoodDeedsGetSeeds.

They plant Seeds for people making positive social and environmental contributions: sponsoring volunteers caring about children in Africa, rewarding teachers sharing knowledge freely, and empowering artists to produce “fuel” for the evolution of our society.

Digital Mycelium

Digital Mycelium is empowering the next generation of smart societies by providing tools for connection, regeneration and unity. Digital Mycelium created the SEEDS website and is creating other front facing web applications to unite the movement.

Digital Scarcity

SEEDS allied with Digital Scarcity, a leading smart contract firm, to build out the various smart contracts and blockchain protocols required for SEEDS cutting edge DHO and financial tools.

EOS Sweden

Swedencornet (EOS/ICON Sweden) manages complex blockchain hybrid-cloud infrastructures. They provide security, privacy, reliable operations, governance, legal, compliance and risk management services for the movement.


SEEDS and Goodblock work closely to improve, decentralized governance, equitable distribution of resources and the creation of a more equitable financial system powered by EOSIO.


GreenEOSIO mission is to promote sustainability and enterprise adoption of EOSIO Blockchain Networks by engaging, empowering & educating the community. GreenEOSIO and SEEDS align to drive sustainability using blockchain technology.


Using blockchain technology to support development and impact actors in proving and improving their impact. SEEDS aligns with Havuta to leverage this tool to improve our NGO and Philanthropic efforts to create a more just, beautiful and healthy planet.


Hypha is a Decentralized Human Organisation (DHO) that’s contributing to the development of SEEDS smart contracts. Hypha is also building The Passport that interfaces with SEEDS.

Social Light

Social Light aims to connect the unconnected with 50% or 4 Billion people who remain disconnected. We believe we can solve poverty by simply giving access to opportunities through the internet. Social Light and SEEDS come together to give access to the SEEDS economy and internet to those with limited internet access.

Siempo Inc.

Siempo envisions a beautiful world in which the technology we build fortifies human strengths and protects human vulnerabilities. Siempo products represent what it means to build tech that supports wellbeing, authentic human connection, productivity and time spent on what matters most. In the process we aim to create a new center of gravity for ethical innovation in Silicon Valley, and accelerate the market adoption of humane technology.


SEEDS is built on the Telos blockchain. SEEDS was awarded a grant for resource use and free accounts on the Telos blockchain to gift to the SEEDS community.


TelosAfrique is a block producer on the Telos Blockchain Network. They work with teams and the community based in Africa from Nairobi, to grow and improve the Telos Network. SEEDS is part of Telos and Telos Afrique will help grow the SEEDS/Telos community throughout Africa.

Telos UK

Telos UK are a Founding Block Producer on the Telos Blockchain Network. Telos UK brings accessibility, accountability & reliability to block production. Creator of the Acorns blockchain education site. Helping people easily understand the world of blockchain and how to engage and interact with it. SEEDS and Acorns come together to provide an enjoyable and engaging learning experience.


The ThreeFold Peer To Peer Cloud (TF P2P Cloud) is the most advanced decentralized network of compute and storage on the planet. It is more secure, performant and sustainable alternative to centralized cloud providers. It is already the largest decentralized grid on the Earth.

ThreeFold aligns with SEEDS to envision a conscious Internet technology that is available everywhere and is owned by everyone without borders nor national discrimination, empowering people to be digitally independent, and providing equal chances to learn, partake and succeed.


Tipit allows sharing of eosio tokens on popular social platforms like Discord, Telegram, Twitter, and Tipit has been operating as a sharing, gift economy. Tipit provides the SEEDS community an easy way to send Seeds using their favorite platforms.


Our product Sesacash is the easiest and fastest way to make micro-payments in Africa with ZERO fees. Built with the same technology as SEEDS our communities align to serve Africa with better ways to pay and rewards for regeneration.

Experiences and Travel

Kiyumi Retreat

Kiyumi is a transdisciplinary team of experienced facilitators from many different backgrounds, all sharing a vision of creating an accessible and inclusive space, sensitive towards gender and identity diversity. Kiyumi leverages a combination of traditional and contemporary approaches, along with a deep focus on creative and somatic practices, where both seasoned explorers and new initiates from all walks of life can experience the potential of alternative states of consciousness and personal growth.

Kiyumi and SEEDS align to build solidaritarian communities evolving around integral values.

Reconnect — Sustainable Island Retreat

Located on a tiny virgin island of Central Sulawesi (Indonesia) Reconnect is a sustainable eco-resort. Their goal is to help local communities grow and offer an alternative way of doing tourism. SEEDS aligns with this mission to provide an alternative framework for Regenerative Tourism.

Whole Systems Designers

DAO Leadership

Leadership training, governance consulting, implementation of DAOs, content creation (whitepapers).

EARTHwise Centre

As a Centre and Global Community for Planetary Wisdom in Action, they commit to the co-creation of a Thrivable World. As a consciousness growing community, they manifest and share the wisdom codes, processes, and practices for co-creating thrivable, evolutionary, and regenerative business, governance, and educational systems.

As Storytellers of a New Paradigm they align with SEEDS to amplify this global movement and co-create the complex systems underlying SEEDS.

Earth Equity

Earth Equity aims to give non-human beings, such as mountains, rivers and ecosystems personhood and legal rights/protections. With members having achieved this with a river in NZ and soon a mountain. Earth Equity and SEEDS come together to determine effective strategies for stewarding and regenerating our earth’s bioregions.


Integrity facilitates the convergence of the regenerative society into a co-creative development process that respects a holistic understanding of our interwovenness with life. Integrity partners with SEEDS to catalyze the emergence of bioregional economies of abundance.


nRhythm works with organizations, networks and communities to shift individual mindsets and current institutional design into an active state of Regeneration. This living systems-based approach embraces members as active decision-makers, co-creators and collaborators in an effort to redesign roles & responsibilities and systems & structures to create the conditions for our collective work to result in regenerative abundance and resilience. Our partnership with the SEEDS Community is a practical expression of our commitment to redesign the current financial systems into an equitable, life-giving system for all.

The University for International Cooperation

UCI is a global organization of educational innovation serving an inclusive knowledge society, seeking a regenerative and evolutionary development in a complex, diverse and changing world. UCI partners with SEEDS to co-create educational and cooperation solutions that contribute to the construction of an intelligent society with universal ethics, through participative, responsible and solidarity alliances.

32 Volcanes

A Guatemalan nonprofit association that seeks social and environmental sovereignty and well-being through a cultural transformation of life. SEEDS aligns with 32 Volcanes to support the regeneration of Central America.

Regenerative & Sustainable Energy

Beboo Eco Tech

Energy that is not only renewable but has a byproduct of biochar which captures carbon and heals soil. SEEDS and Beboo Eco Tech have aligned to create regenerative energy systems that heal our lands and communities. Together we’ll reduce the cost of electricity, replant native forests and provide wellness and education centers to those in need.


RegenX powers renewable energy and supports investments into renewable and regenerative energy projects. People can realize sustainable returns and invest in the regeneration of our planet.



Connective.Network is a unified community and social networking platform for organizations to connect their ecosystem of members, partners, customers for collaboration, knowledge sharing and action. SEEDS aligns with Connective to offer new tools to their community and to offer community platforms to support the expansion of the SEEDS movement.

Earth and Sky

Earth and Sky is a Distributed Regenerative Storytelling Cooperative. Earth and Sky combines collaborative governance, crowdfunding, and distributed ledgers to tell the most important narratives of our time. Our alliance is to spread the story of regeneration.


An ethical european telecommunications firm out of Germany. Along with being a certified B-Corp they donate to regenerative and sustainable projects.


Hybrid.Games is an experiment in bridging digital value to the natural world. In Chapter 1: Hybrid Spores, they invite you to experience our planet’s beauty with an immersive audio/vibration iOS puzzle.


Magic, best known for running Marianne Williamson’s presidential campaign and supporting the legalisation of Psilocybin in Denver. Magic is a boutique marketing and communication agency out of Boulder Colorado. Magic has aligned with SEEDS to promote the movement and run campaigns.

Light Farm Studios

SEEDS and Light Farm come together to make incredibly beautiful animations and other digital art to create beautiful imagery to tell the story of global regeneration.

Trybe — Social Knowledge Platform

A crypto-powered knowledge sharing community. We’ve Partnered with Trybe to connect the crypto world and the regeneration movement. Trybe is a crypto-powered knowledge sharing network for anyone interested in blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies, or business and startups.

New (Regenerative) Civilization Incubators

Nyx Bali

The Nyx Bali is an incubator for startups focused on the world’s most transformative ideas and projects. It’s a place to find ones deeper purpose — align to it and unite with others — to experiment and co-design a new form of civilization. SEEDS and the Nyx align to address creating a new civilization from multiple scales. SEEDS provides a new paradigm financial system while the Nyx provides the new paradigm way of living. One co-designed by all who want to play!

Hero University

Only 16% of graduating students feel prepared for life after graduation. Hero University takes students preparing for great things after graduation and turns them into purpose-driven entrepreneurs. In a 6 week program in Bali Indonesia, they learn from successful entrepreneurs, find their purpose, and launch companies in teams of their peers. SEEDS and Hero U align to provide the next generation with next generation tools. Helping them conceive of ways to add value and find purpose using the latest tools, economic models and business structures.

Local Earth

Headquartered in California, Local Earth Is growing a global network of educational ecovillages and providing regenerative community development solutions for the planet! SEEDS aligns with Local Earth to provide the technological, economic and governance tools to facilitate this movement into new models of civilization.

Pure Network

Pure envisions a world where our creative expression is sourced from a place of deep connection. They curate society’s brightest hearts and minds to live in nurturing communities and explore the subtle art of human connection. Peer facilitated by leaders in the art of community building, leadership development, organizational design, systems change and holistic wellness, together we develop fundamental tools for fostering a culture of connection within ourselves, our relationships, communities and organizations. SEEDS aligns with Pure to provide them economic and governance tools to amplify and accelerate the progression into co-creative and nurturing communities.


WeAreNature is committed to help individuals rise in consciousness through the power of reconnection with nature and with our own true nature by reestablishing our loving relationship with Gaia. Grounded in ancestral wisdom and anchored in 2 holistic regenerative sanctuaries in Brazil they guide immersive time in beauty and wilderness for individuals, small groups and families, that allows profound transformation experiences and ultimately access to the sacred in the Earth and within ourselves.

WeAreNature aligns with SEEDS in the collective mission of validating new models for our future, by offering physical unique locations where those models can be manifested. Their network of sacred places ultimately aim to be both incubators of new ideas and powerful integrators of relationships, geared to create collaborative action at brotherhood level.

We The Future HOMES

We The Future Heaven On Mother Earth Society is a Natural Governed Organisation that regenerates our culture by growing Glocal Development Practises (GDP) and the Liberation Of Vital Elements (LOVE). SEEDS aligns with WTF HOMES to provide the technological, economic and governance tools to map over these new models of thought. To amplify the movement into new models of civilization.

XCHC (Exchange Christchurch)

XCHC is a creative hub and cafe in Christchurch NZ designed to bring people together and encourage the sharing of knowledge and ideas, expediting the personal and professional growth of its people and communities. Our artist studios, free hot desking workspace by day, events venue and showcase by night, all used to develop creative practices and share ideas and connect with the community. Our purpose is to cultivate a creative ecology that uses a regenerative financial model of hospitality.

XCHC aligns with the SEEDS community to elevate the impact people have, individually and collectively, while being connected globally.

Cryptocurrency & Economic

Arcana Strategic

Aracana supports businesses looking to make a difference. Helping to align these businesses with the best tools available for their success (SEEDS).

Castel-Blanco & Santiago Legal S.A.S

Castel-Blanco & Santiago Legal is a law firm providing banking, financial, and digital- financial law services. Our vision is to leverage fintech and digital technologies, to facilitate the creation of a new financial system and be an active part of this process. We align with the SEEDS community to empower human beings to play an active role in the evolution of the financial system.


NewDEX is a decentralized exchange that facilitates trading Seeds with other cryptocurrencies directly with other people. The power of decentralized exchanges is you never have to give up control of your assets or trust a central party to securely hold them. SEEDS aligns with decentralized exchanges for the exceptional security they offer the community to trade assets with.

Trada — P2P Exchange

Trada is a decentralized, open-source, P2P national currency to crypto currency platform. Trada will be built into the SEEDS Passport to facilitate trading national currencies for Seeds.



Franz Josef Allmayer
Writer for

Liberating the Natural Economic Order | Cultural Evolution Catalyst | Co-creator at @Integrity.Earth,, @SEEDS &