Catching up, Ketchup!

Franz Josef Valdivia
2 min readMay 5, 2020


Yea, sorry. Couldn’t think of a better headline. Haha!

But here’s a late post for today so I’ll make this quick and just tell you what happened… [Day 38 of 365]

I was working from 8pm last night to 6am earlier (well, mostly). Cooked and ate breakfast with the fam then tried to write the day’s post but I just didn’t have the bandwidth to.

So I just prepped for bed and tried to sleep.

Got to nap for about an hour but woke up because of the heat, the delivery lady ringing the doorbell and a fly that kept crawling on me.

Tried getting back to sleep but couldn’t. So maybe 10 or 15 minutes later, I just got up and started preparing lunch. This was around 9:30am.

Made spaghetti, spent time with the kids, then finally felt the urge to sleep at around 12nn.

Then I was knocked out for the next 6 hours — even with all the craziness that went around the house at this time frame. My wife even had to wake me otherwise I wouldn’t have gotten up until my alarm goes off at 7:50pm.

— — — — — — -

But yea, I didn’t have time to write the post earlier.

Work had to be done first. Got busy with it since it was Monday in the US.

Then when the family woke up, they took over work and everything else.

But now that I’m back working again, I figured I could squeeze in a few minutes for this post.

And here it is!

So yea… Though catching up, I’m still here :-)

Back tomorrow!




Franz Josef Valdivia

* Dad * Husband * Copywriter * Storyteller * Email Marketer * Entrepreneur *