Chess is a Game of Art

6 min readFeb 25, 2024

My Chess game is amateurish at best. Just like my ability to conjurer up small talk, my opening moves are limited and over quickly. I can’t see past two or three moves. And the puzzling frustration of end-games tend to be an embarrassment. All that said, I have an admiration for those who have great Chess abilities. I have studied Chess games and wondered at the complex intellect behind the planned moves. I have watched Chess games by Grand Masters and witnessed moments of Beauty as the pieces are played to their perfect Goodness, moved by a mind that searches for Truth in the maze of limitations within the board. In many ways, chess is like art, and when you witness a great move or game, it is truely a thing of beauty.

A Work of Art

Humans are different to the animals. Our intellect poses a giant chasm that no animal will be able to intellectually breach. We have a mind that goes beyond mere survival instincts, it can hold something abstract and beautiful, that understands Goodness (Being / Form), and becomes a reflection of an eternal truth:

“a new thing had appeared in the cavernous night of nature, a mind that is like a mirror. It is like a mirror because it is truly a thing of reflection. It is like mirror because in it alone all other shapes can be seen like shining shadows of a vision” (GK Chesterton)




• Author • Diploma Theology • Building a Spiritual Ark for others, one truth at a time, to survive the impending life floods we all encounter.