The Mckinsey Way — Review

2 min readJul 28, 2023


“The McKinsey Way” is a book that offers valuable insights into the renowned consulting firm, McKinsey & Company, and its approach to problem-solving and management consulting. Authored by Ethan Rasiel, the book aims to shed light on McKinsey’s methodologies, tools, and corporate culture, making it an interesting read for both aspiring consultants and business enthusiasts.

One of the book’s strengths lies in its comprehensive breakdown of McKinsey’s problem-solving techniques. Rasiel explains the MECE (Mutually Exclusive, Collectively Exhaustive) principle and the pyramid principle, which are fundamental to McKinsey’s analytical approach. These frameworks are presented in a straightforward manner, making them accessible to readers from various backgrounds.

“The McKinsey Way” also delves into the company’s corporate culture, providing insights into its professional values, work ethics, and dedication to excellence. This aspect may be particularly appealing to individuals interested in understanding the inner workings of one of the world’s leading consulting firms.

Moreover, Rasiel uses real-life case studies and examples from McKinsey’s projects to illustrate how the firm tackles complex business problems. This practical approach helps readers grasp the concepts better and showcases the tangible results McKinsey achieves for its clients.

On the flip side, some readers might find the book to be overly focused on promoting McKinsey’s practices, which may come across as biased. While the book does present other consulting firms as competitors, the level of praise for McKinsey may raise questions about the author’s objectivity.

Furthermore, “The McKinsey Way” was published a few years ago, and the consulting landscape may have evolved since then. Readers should keep this in mind when considering the relevance and applicability of the book’s insights to the current business environment.

In conclusion, “The McKinsey Way” offers valuable knowledge about McKinsey’s problem-solving techniques, corporate culture, and consulting practices. It is a useful resource for those interested in consulting methodologies and learning from one of the industry’s leaders. However, readers should approach the book with some awareness of potential bias and consider the evolving nature of the business world. 3/5

