What is the notice period? How to Write a Notice Period?

5 min readAug 16, 2021


Did you get a great new job offer? Have you planned to say goodbye to your old job and company?

You can’t just wave your hand in the air before your employer and leave the space. You are a part of the workplace, and it’s imperative to deal with your resignation professionally.

You are bound by law to give a notice period to your employer when you intend to leave his job.

Have you ever heard about it? It’s okay; I created this complete guide to explain the Notice Period and how it works.

Let’s continue reading to know more.

What is a notice period?

It’s a length of time when your employer is aware of your plan of leaving the company before you go. When you decide to quit a job, you must inform your employer a few weeks before your departure to prepare thoroughly.

Let’s say you plan to leave the company in September, and it’s customary to tell your hiring manager in August.

Why is a Notice Period Important?

You might be wondering why it is essential to give a notice period. Well, just recall your recruitment process. Did you get hired within a day? I know the answer is no. In a corporate world, if you leave, someone will take your place.

However, that someone doesn’t appear quickly. There is a complete recruitment process for every hire in a company. The purpose of giving the company some time is to let them bring your replacement.

If you want to portray yourself as courteous and professional, you will give your Company Proper Notice. Let’s say you tell them two weeks before and also mention that you won’t mind handing over your tasks and explaining a job to a newcomer.

Leaving your old employer on a bad note is never recommended. You can’t afford to burn your bridges simply because you got an outstanding job offer from FRATRES.NET.

Keep in mind and your new employer will connect with your old one. If you do bad by his side, he won’t mind disclosing your true face. In that case, you will end up losing both jobs. Horrific!

Another reason for giving a notice period is that you might be working with some team members or lead a team.

Project success depends on you. If you leave them in the middle, the company faces losses, and the team will be affected. You can’t do that. A professional takes responsibility and holds himself accountable for his teamwork. Be a leader, tell on time so that the company can bring the right replacement.

When to Give a Notice Period?

It’s good to give a reasonable notice period two weeks before you quit your old job. This length of time also depends on your position in a company. When you are an executive, be ready to give more time to the company. They need to hire a new one and train him as your successor.

Indeed, there is no right time to quit a company, but two-week notice is a common norm. Companies would always want to keep you for a long time, but you need to take into account your best interest. Giving those months isn’t the right approach. Think about yourself.

How to Give a Notice Period?

Step NO-1 Decide Final Date

It’s a date when you will quit the job. You may want to relax for at least a week before starting your next job. In that case, you need to schedule your final date accurately. Once you are clear about the final date, the other steps are pretty easy.

If your new job employer wants you to join quickly, you can try a one-week notice period, though it’s not recommended in most situations.

Step No-2 Meet with your Manager

Another step is to meet with your supervisor and manager in person. You don’t need to answer their question. You can tell them about a new job but refrain from sharing essential job details like salary package, etc. Sometimes, employers try to win their old employees with a better salary package. So, you better share a few details.

Step No-3 Write your Resignation Letter

As you have informed your employer, now it’s time to craft a resignation letter. Keep it positive and to the point. You can send it in an email, but hand-written will stay in the HR record, so you better go with this method.

Step No-4 Inform your Colleagues and Team

When you work with lots of people, it’s normal to have connections in the company. You should inform your best teammates and colleagues in person that you will leave a job. They may like to plan a farewell party, who knows!

Step No-5 Offer Your help.

As you have given a notice period, it’s time to keep the bridge alive between you and your employer by offering them any help they need. If possible, delegate work and help a newcomer in adjusting to your position.

Will you get paid during your notice period?

Yes, you are entitled to receive your full pay during your notice period when you are working. Sometimes, employers ask you to take a garden leave as you are joining their competitors. In that case, you can receive your total pay and benefits.

What if you change your mind?

Sometimes, you give a notice period and then change your mind. If you plan to stay, then you need to inform your employer about this. It’s a tricky scenario. When an employer hires a new employee, your chances of staying on the same job are pretty slim. However, if he agrees to keep you on the job, you can continue working for the company.

Wrap up

Finally, you know what a Notice Period is and how you can give it. When you are on a fixed-term contract, you can either give one week’s notice or leave on your last day of a contract without notice. However, a permanent employee should give two weeks’ notice period.

