The Christian family is a conglomeration of believers all over the world, regardless of one’s background or origin. Imagine a pebble tossed into a still pond. The ripples spread outward, reaching every corner. Our Christian family is like that pond, and our actions are the pebbles—like a web, intricately connected, which can travel far and wide through the tiniest vibration.
So, what happens when we stray from God’s path through disobedience? Are we the only ones affected, or do the ripples of our actions travel far and wide? If the disobedience of Adam and Eve resulted in the separation of the entire humanity from God, ipso facto, our individual actions can have communal spiritual consequences. Please tap the link below to read more...

Rev. Fr. Benjamin OKALA, C.S.Sp.

A Catholic Priest || Lover of the Holy Spirit & Word of God || Engineer (Electronic/ Computer Configurations & Repairs, Graphic & Web designer) || An Artist.