Will my credit score go donw if I use mycreditkeeper.com?

22 min readMar 10, 2019


Will my credit score go donw if I use mycreditkeeper.com?

Thanks :) I got it for $1 and its free for 30 days, I was wondering if within that 30 days if I check my score my credit score would go down? :)

Answer : I might suggest one to try this web site where you can get from different companies: https://tinyurl.com/y3hd74ne .

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I posted earlier about my 3 credit cards in the amounts of $600,$1200 $600. Now as i stated before I am working 40 hrs, but not making ‘enough’ to cover these amounts, since they want FULL payments, i offered to pay 50 every pay and they can’t accept that. I haven’t been served court papers yet anyway. I do have other account out there,that I PAY — I have a car payment which i religiously pay never missed a payment and student loans 2 of those student loan accounts are in deferment (since i do not make enough to pay right now) the last one i am paying on never missed a payment. So I just really don’t have the money for theses credit cards that i defaulted on. I understand what im doing to my credit but im trying to work with them and its not helping. Should i just file for bankruptcy im tired of the calls. I also forgot to mention i have a medical bill on there for 75, which i will pay since that is something i can afford in full, what will happen to it on my credit report since its already been sent to collections?””


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“Will my credit score go donw if I use mycreditkeeper.com?

Thanks :) I got it for $1 and its free for 30 days, I was wondering if within that 30 days if I check my score my credit score would go down? :)

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“”Freecreditreport.com claims its a free”””” credit report then they charge you $12.95?””””
scumbags http://www.freecreditreport.com/pm/default.aspx?sc=658900&bcd=FPTUES1128usavgEXPN
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Thats just it, they don’t just repo it. I’m wanting to know if I claim it on bankruptcy would it be a valid claim even if the car company I got it from made me sign a paper saying I wouldn’t file bankruptcy on the car. And the other part of my question is that if I let them repo it, could I then get it cleared off my name in bankruptcy? I had a scooter half paid off and a bank repoed it and had the nerve to say I still owe them the full amount still after their fees. They’ll try and get me for repo fees, etc is what i’m afraid of and i’m just hoping bankruptcy would stop that.””
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Mong cao th Tin Hc ch dm em..hic Hnh nh c li j vi h thng. Di y l thng bo li: DDERR — EXCLUSIVEMODEALREADYSET (An attempt was made to set the cooperative level when it was already set to exclusive) Statement: dxDaw → SetCooperative level (Fast windowhandle, (bFull Screen)? (DDSCL — EXCLUSIVE | DDSCL — FULLSCREEN) : (DDSCL — NORMAL)) Function: UveDraw::UveDraw() File: engine\UveDraw.cpp Line:178"”
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Math problem, it’s on webassign and i cant figure it out? High interest rates make it difficult for people to pay off credit card debt in a reasonable period of time. The interest I (in dollars) paid on a $10,000 debt over 3 years when the interest rate is r% can be approximated by the equation shown below. I/175.393 + 0.663= r If the credit card interest rate is 17.1%, find the amount of interest paid during the 3 years. (Give your answer correct to the nearest cent.) I=??? this problem is giving me hard time, i couldn’t figure it out, so if you please help me i would very appreciate it””
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Thinking of applying for a payday loan, on the application they ask for a work number. What will they ask my job (boss)? Will they they tell my boss that I applied for a loan?””
What happens when you declare bankruptcy in this current economy?
My father has lost his job about 6 months ago and was unsuccessful at finding a new one. He had a job that paid very well in tips, but not so well hourly. He get unemployment but it is a fraction of the amount he used to get. He owns a house, 2 cars ,and all of his furniture. He is now seriously considering filing for bankruptcy since he can no longer afford to pay his bills. What is going to happen? What will he lose? What kind of relief will he get that now, that he wouldn’t get if we weren’t in a recession? Any help will be greatly appreciated.””

“Will my credit score go donw if I use mycreditkeeper.com?

Thanks :) I got it for $1 and its free for 30 days, I was wondering if within that 30 days if I check my score my credit score would go down? :)

Who else hate the new free credit report.com singer?



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How to get free credit report online ?
no tricks or fees
Do i qualify for an auto loan?
Hi i just wanted to know if any knows if i will qualify for an auto loan? I am 21 yrs old. I recently ended my year lease of $500 per month from the apartment and my credit card is up to $550 out of the $600 limit, but like i said no more lease so that is easy to pay off. I’ve had my job for two years now and live in the same general location. My expenses including the minimum payment of the credit card is around $155/ per month; that is including gas.I bring home about $800 per month and my credit score is 692 the last time i checked. I am also willing to trade in my vehicle for around $1000 which kelly blue book appraised for $1,400. so if anyone knows the answer please help. thanks””
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I retired a year ago, and recently checked my credit rating with one of the Big Three through www.annualcreditreport.com. This report still showed me as being at my last employer. I don’t expect to be applying for a loan anytime soon, but I would like my credit record to be accurate. 1. How do I go about getting my status updated with these companies? 2. What can I expect to happen to my credit score?””
Lowest Credit Score 565 highest 721 can i get a car loan????please help?
my experian score is 565 Equifax 721 and Transunion 666 can i get a car loan for this and how much will i be Getting?? for a car loan?? what else do i have to have to qualify eg. job? assests? and what not. and how do they determine my fico score??
Can money I owe to Attorneys other than my bankruptcy attorney be included in my bankruptcy?
I will obviously pay my bankruptcy attorney her fees. I’m asking about legal fees incurred in another matter. Thanks.
Need about $1500 with a low credit score?
Ok…I am 25yrs old and have gotten myself in a ridiculous bind. I need to make about $1500 ASAP. I am already stressed out working x-tra hours at work. I have about 3 payday loans (the hardest thing to get out of !!) I have already tried going to a credit union to obtain a personal loan. I am in DEEP dookie people!!! HELP!!!!
Where can I find a loan shark to lend me money?
I have been turned down for loan requests and am in need of 3500.00 to get thru this rough patch. I have a steady income and can repay guaranteed. The banks wont consider me, due to being a high credit risk.””
Payday loans…question on payday loan default.?
my husband had a payday loan in his name only. he did not pay it/closed the bank account. we got a new bank account. they are after him now for the debt. it is 2 times as much now with all the interest. can they garnish wages and freeze accounts? we are in PA. they are not willing to accept what we offered…50/month. thanks.
Do you think I can get an auto loan?
I was wanting to buy my first car, and I was wondering if you think I would meet the requirements for an auto loan? The car is a 2008 Mercedes Benz C300 4MATIC AWD with 43,280 miles. ($26,000) Me: 18, average credit score 790, very professional, always pay bills and what not Job: Owner of 2 businesses (average annual income $55,000) Thanks!””

APR and Victorias Secret Credit Card?
The terms say: ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE (APR) FOR PURCHASES Revolving Credit Plans: 22.8% Does that mean I pay 22.8% interest on all purchases I make? Or do I only pay the interest if I don’t pay the full bill on time?
Why people go to pawn shops than banks? What’s the difference between pawnshops and banks?
What are their advantages and disadvantages?
“”How much is the total monthly payment for a $100,000 house?””
Hello. Right now I am paying $900 in rent including utilities. I am wondering if it would be just about the same if I bought a $100,000 home and put down $20,000 down payment. (which I would be able to do) I know it depends on alot of things but I would like to hear from someone whos been there. Thanks alot everyone.””
How can I contact Equifax about my credit file?
I have been looking into my credit (or attempting to) for a while now. the other 2 credit reporting agencies work fine, but no matter what I do I cant access my equifax report. I tried to apply for an online bank account recently, and the security questions were all apparently taken from my equifax report. They want to know when an auto loan and also a mortgage loan were taken out, how long it was taken out, and so on ans so forth. I have never taken out either. Perhaps someone has in my name? I answer *none of the above* for everything. They even ask which of the following is your middle name or has been a previous name?* None of the above. Then I always get a page that says they can’t verify my identity. I tried to sign up for identityguard just today. Same credit reporting agency was used for the validation questions. Same questions. None of the above. They can’t verify my identity. I went to get my annual free credit report for equifax. Same security questions. None of the above. “”””We can’t verrify your identity.”””” What is going on? Anyone have any ideas? I have a few””
For playing pokemon games: Is GameBoyAdvance Emulator safe for my PC?
Thanks guys! can you please mention which pokemon game should i start with?
What is the best credit card out there at the moment?
My fiance has a credit card which he uses mainly for work but also for small personal purchases if we’re running a bit short that month. He works away a lot with his job, and puts all the expenses on his credit card and then his company reimburse him. He currently has a capital one card, but he is paying a lot of interest, and if he forgets to put his work expenses through in time he gets stung interest on purchases made through work which is a bit rubbish really!! We were wondering what the best credit card is at the moment? We’re looking in terms of balance transfers, to transfer the current balance over off his old credit card to stop paying interest, a low interest rate on purchases and if possible some sort of cash back/points card, as we figured we might as well get some kind of reward seeing as all his work stuff goes on there too. It varies each month, sometimes he might not put much on but if he works away he can easily put a few hundred on there in a month….. What would be our best option at the moment??””
Does anyone know about credit card Debt Settlement?
Is it a good idea to go with a debt settlement company? I know it will affect my credit score for the time being, but it will be affected either way because I can’t make the payments. I have $15,000 total. $9000 with my GM card, $3000 with US Bank, and $2000 with Regions. I just want to make sure that debt settlement is the way to go. There’s no way I can afford to pay the $15,000. I also had a good realationship with my GM card we were always paying on time or paying in full with our tax money. But this past winter I had a baby and was on maternity leave for longer than required for reasons and my husband was laid off for 4 months so we had no income but some money in savings which didn’t last long. Please can someone help me?””
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When bank declares particular Loan as NPA
What credit card should I get as my first card?
I do not plan on buying a bunch of stuff at all with this card, I only plan on just building up credit. What would be the best card? Would a chase 5% cash back card be the best since I would pay off my checks at the end of the month with no problem? my mom told me capitol one but I want what will be best for me. Also what are hints to gaining credit? Should I just make small purchases and fully pay my bill off at the end of the month?””

Can I refinance my new auto loan?
I want to refinance my current new auto loan which I’ve had for 8 months now. My interest is 16% for $14,538 loan over 5 1/2 years. I’ve never been late and my credit score is average. No one has co-signed with me. I’ve had the same job for the past 4 years and only $150 on credit cards. I want to get my first apartment within the next 3–4 months but I can’t afford to keep paying $334 for my car and by the time I finish paying off this loan, it will be around $21,000!. Does anyone know if I should try refinance or just sell the car all together and hopefully get a new loan for probably cheaper car.””
“Will my credit score go donw if I use mycreditkeeper.com?

Thanks :) I got it for $1 and its free for 30 days, I was wondering if within that 30 days if I check my score my credit score would go down? :)

Bankruptcy chapter 7?
Okay 2 questions…I live in L.A. and last week I went to court hearing and according to the judge I am just to wait for the discharge in the mail…does anyone know how long that will take to be processed?…and today i got in the mail, one of the creditors (that’s included in the bankruptcy) is trying to sue me..what do i do?…I’m a bit nervous””
HELP!!! Can we file bankruptcy?
My husband and I have an appointment with an attorney next week. We are wanting to file chapter 7. But, my husband filed chapter 7 in 2005 before we were married. I don’t know anything about bankruptcy. What are our options? Also, one of the loans we want to file on has a 4 wheeler for collateral on it and my nephew has the 4 wheeler. Will I have to take that from him? Will they take all of the collateral for that loan? Please help me out.””
Is it possible to get a car loan with credit score of 670?
If so, where can i get one? Thanks in Advance…..””
How long should you wait before applying for another loan after being denied?
I applied for an auto loan for about $10,000, I was denied. But I think I might have a better chance of getting a personal loan at a lower amount, but I’m wondering how long I should wait before I try to apply again. Btw, it’s at the same bank.””
Accounting Help! Best answer gets 10 points!?
During the first month, the following events occurred: May 1: Jane Kent invested $25,000 cash May 2: Hired a secretary-receptionist at a salary of $2,000 per month May 3: Purchased $2,500 of supplies on account from Read Supply Company May 7: Paid office rent of $900 cash for the month May 11: Completed a tax assignment and billed client $2,100 for services provided May 12: Received $3,500 advance on a management consulting engagement May 17: Received cash of $1,200 for services completed for H.Arnold Co. May 31: Paid secretary-receptionist $2,000 salaried for the month May 31: Paid 40% of balance due Read Supply Company Jane Kent uses the following chart of accounts: no. 101 cash, no 112 accounts receivable, no 126 supplies, no 201 accounts payable, no 205 unearned revenue, no 301 Jane Kent, capital; no 400 service revenue, no 726 salaries expense, and no 729 rent expense (a) journalize the transactions (b) post to the ledger accounts © prepare a trial balance on May 31, 2010"”

How do I get the information about ad budget for MasterCard PayPass?
I am currently working on school project, which is making ad media plan for MasterCard PayPass. But, I cannot find any info. about the ad budget of MasterCard PayPass. Any information about MasterCard PayPass is always welcome. Please help me!!!””

“”I am 20 years old and would like to apply for an auto loan. I am a student, my income is financial aid.?””
My income is financial aid. In September my credit score was 670. My debts are my student loans and credit card, my card card only has $800 on a $2000 credit limit. I would like to know if I could get a auto loan around $10000 and no down payment for a used car. Is it possible I could because of my income status?””
13.99% rate on a car loan is that normal????
hi, I went to the mitsubishi dealer, last week and wanted to get a 2002 eclipse spyder, for 10000, after the dealer checked my moms credit he told us that the rate would be 13.99%, so 4000 down payment, 199 monthly, his answer to my question why the rate is so high, was that, because we came 2 years ago from germany, and my moms credit is kinda new?! thats why the bank will only loan us money with a rate of 13.99%, is that possible or did he jus want to rip us off???!!! And what do u guys think about the deal: $10000 for a mitsubishi spyder 2001 60000miles???””
Where can i find a Loan Shark in the Los Angeles Area?

In US which financial company provides easy and fast payday loans please assist me its very urgent?
plz suggest me a payday loan company which will approve me in half an hour please suggest the best one

Payday Advance Loan by tomorrow?!?
I need a payday advance loan of $200 fast!! I’m 19 and I live in DC. Any LEGIT website suggestions?
19 year old with good credit score and need loan?
All I need is about 1,000 to get a car as my last car gave up on me, I work full time and bring in 12,500 annually. I wouldn’t even mind paying 30/40 pound back every month for 3/4 years, I checked with Experian credit expert and I have a Fred score of 919, which they say is good, just struggling to find someone to loan me the money as I know my age is a put off but surely for a good credit score banks or company’s wouldn’t mind, any suggestions?, And also I have been with Lloyd’s for years and have been in my job for a year and a half, so I don’t really see why it cannot get a loan, I have tried with Lloyd’s , sainsburys etc Any help would be appreciated””
What is my credit score?

Best players to loan / buy on football manager handheld 2009 ?
What are the best players that I can loan, and what are the best players i can buy cheap and that would be guaranteed to be a good player. I am manager of Arsenal and I am now in my second season.””
Where can i get a free credit report?
not a place where i need to sign up for something, I know there is some safe government sponsored thing where you can get one free credit report from each bureau a year.””
Will cosigner have to pay student loans when I try for bankruptcy?
I just graduated from college around a month ago, so I still have at least 5 months for my grace period, however I do have over 120K in student loans and growing due to the high interest rate. At my current position, and in the near future, I will not even be able to pay off a sizable portion of the interest, since I have been on a job hunt for 2 months and have come up fruitless. My mom has cosigned for around 40K of my loans, and am considering bankruptcy in order to get out of this. Will my mom have to go ahead and pay off her part of the loan that she cosigned for or is there a way that she will be able to stay out of it?””

“”On a $160000 mortgage, with 5% down, generally what would the desired income be to get approved?

Does anyone know how you can check a business credit report for free?

Where can I get a free copy of my credit reports?
I have tried www.freecreditreport.com and I am not satisfied with their service. Is there an official Gov.site or someone else I can contact? I am looking for a complete report with my Fico credit score and all 3 reports. EquiFax, Experian and TransUnion””
Requesting free annual credit report?
How do I obtain my free annual credit report?
Whwer can I go to get a reasonable auto loan for someone who has not so good of credit but a good job?
Past problems are being resovled , but I am working to improve my credit. I need a new work vechicle, ( prefer chevy s-10, ) but it seems all I can get is a buy here pay here place, not that there is any thing wrong with them.””
“Will my credit score go donw if I use mycreditkeeper.com?

Thanks :) I got it for $1 and its free for 30 days, I was wondering if within that 30 days if I check my score my credit score would go down? :)

