One of many reasons why I started working on BitLearn Network..

Fred Jin
1 min readFeb 19, 2018


I am a first generation immigrant, and I struggled a lot when I first moved to the US from Beijing during 7th grade. I eventually managed to fit in and went on to live a pretty amazing life.

I’ve come to truly understand and appreciate how fortunate I am, because no matter how tough things got, I’ve always been able to draw from the knowledge of the far greater struggles faced by the ones before me.

Orphaned at 11 years old, my grandfather worked as a child worker in a small store in rural China. He was somehow attracted to the abacus as a toy, then quickly learned basic arithmetic with it. This earned him some writing lessons to start bookkeeping.

In the second generation of literacy, my father became one of two kids from his class who made it to middle school and eventually came to the U.S. as a scholar.

Here’s a short story that my father wrote many years ago, which has been a great source of motivation for me over the years.

