Do You Have a Warrior Mindset?

Fred Boris
3 min readNov 17, 2022


What is the mindset of a true warrior? Why do we need to summon the way of the warrior within us?

When we think of a warrior, we often see images of wars in our heads — maybe even an image of Braveheart. But we are missing the point here. The warrior mindset can be used as a tool for overcoming life’s obstacles — we can use it in our life now.

First of all, warriors know what they are fighting for. You need to get clear about exactly what your end goal is. Actually take some time to visualize what life will be like after your goal is reached. Feel it inside of you and get passionate about it.

What will be the outcome if you don’t accomplish your goal? Sometimes people are pushed into having a warrior mindset due to tough life circumstances. Sometimes it takes that push to ignite the warrior within.

When life gets really tough, you have a choice. You can choose to have the mindset of a victim or you can choose to take the path of the warrior. A victim goes through life feeling like they have no control. A warrior goes through life knowing that they can influence and change things — they have power. Yes, this may seem dramatic, but in certain circumstances, it takes this type of determination to overcome your challenges.

The next characteristic of a warrior is courage — don’t let the fear of failure cripple you. Even if you have lost the battle, you can still win the war. When warriors go to battle, they know there is a chance that they may lose their life. Of course, this is not what is wanted, but you must have this type of passion for your cause: unstoppable passion. When you have this type of energy focused on your cause, it fuels you when you grow weary.

To have a warrior mindset, you also need to have a strategy. What is your strategy for overcoming that obstacle in your life? Brainstorm, research, get a feel for it and execute your plan. Also, make sure to keep an open mind and be alert. A new, different way may appear, and you need to be able to recognize it if it does.

A warrior must be confident — a positive self image is a must. Confidence comes from within, and you can’t be too focused on what others think of you — that comes from outside of yourself. You need internal confidence. What can you do to improve your self image? Ask yourself that question and actively work on this area.

Discipline and commitment are two very important aspects of having the warrior mindset. Without those two characteristics, you will most likely quit when the going gets tough. And most of the time, when overcoming huge obstacles, the going will get pretty tough! Do you have the commitment and the discipline to keep pushing forward when you feel like the world is coming down on you? This is a test of your true strength.

So “sharpen your sword” and pursue your goals. And of course, having a warrior mindset does not mean that you are always in a battle mindset. Take time to nurture your relationships and take care of yourself — but when it’s time to take action, summon the warrior within!

