Sophisticated strategies for transforming Retail Media data into sponsored products wins


While leveraging historical campaign data is an important first step in optimizing your retail media efforts, achieving next-level performance requires digging deeper. By using advanced techniques to analyze and activate past learnings, you can drive meaningful results that propel your brand forward. For Amazon PPC and sponsored products in particular, this approach is crucial.

Part one of this series focused on how mimbi streamlines access to and organization of historical data. Now, let’s explore powerful strategies for turning those raw insights into an actionable optimization plan.

Extracting valuable insights with custom tagging

The foundation of transforming your data into an insight-rich resource is smart tagging. mimbi allows you to easily apply custom tags to analyze historical Amazon PPC campaigns based on the dimensions that matter most for your business.

For example, an electronics brand running sponsored ads might tag campaigns by:

  • Product attributes like category, price point, and margin
  • Promotional details such as discount percentage and offer type
  • Audience segments like new vs. repeat customers
  • Time-based factors including seasonality and key retail moments

Filtering data through these lenses surfaces nuanced learnings that inform targeted optimizations. You might find that premium smartphone campaigns featuring special financing drive strong holiday performance, while discounted laptop bundles resonate during the back-to-school rush.

The lesson? Build a tagging structure that allows you to evaluate performance through your brand’s most important strategic dimensions. Those insights become the building blocks for highly relevant campaigns that tap into unique opportunities (especially when managing Amazon Ads campaigns via API).

Defining winning KPIs with benchmarking

Your historical data is also instrumental in establishing realistic yet ambitious performance targets. Dig into sponsored products campaigns to identify benchmarks for critical KPIs such as:

  • Return on ad spend (ROAS)
  • Cost per click (CPC)
  • Conversion rate
  • Average order value

Analyze these metrics by funnel stage, audience segment and product category to spot noteworthy trends. Use the resulting benchmarks to inform data-driven goals for upcoming initiatives.

Grounding your goals in historical data ensures they are appropriately ambitious while still attainable — positioning you for success.

Understanding true costs of availability

One commonly overlooked insight from historical data is the real impact of stock-outs and low inventory levels. Aggregate data may show an SKU is in-stock, but a more granular look often reveals a different story.

mimbi enables you to link detailed inventory data with campaign metrics to quantify the effect of SKU and variation-level availability issues. Valuable techniques include:

  • Aligning campaign KPIs with stock levels to identify patterns
  • Homing in on high-performing variations (like popular sizes or colors) to understand the cost of ‘low inventory’
  • Categorizing products by typical stock positions to assess potential risks

Imagine you’re a footwear retailer with a hot-selling sneaker line. Zooming out, it appears inventory is solid — but your best-selling sizes are routinely out of stock. Connecting this information with campaign performance data, you spot a troubling trend: ROAS consistently drops 15% when customers see ‘low stock’ notices.

This insight empowers you to proactively optimize inventory management, ensuring those high-demand variations stay in-stock. The end result? Unlocking significant incremental revenue. That’s the value of deep data analysis in action.

Building your Retail Media playbook

As you employ advanced strategies like these, you’ll incrementally assemble a robust optimization playbook tailored to your unique brand. Each insight becomes a new ‘play’ in your tool kit, enabling you to:

  • Proactively build campaigns around proven top performers
  • Anticipate potential obstacles and plan ahead to mitigate risks
  • Uncover emerging opportunities to expand sales and share of voice

Even better? Your data — and therefore your playbook — is constantly evolving. By prioritizing regular, intentional analysis, you can stay on top of changing dynamics.

mimbi’s intuitive workflows make it simple to surface timely insights from each new campaign. You’ll spend less time grappling with data and more time developing your next winning strategy — a virtuous cycle for retail media success.


mimbi is purpose-built to help you harness the full strategic potential of your data while reducing manual effort. Our platform makes it faster and easier to access, analyze and act on the insights that matter most for Amazon PPC, Criteo and sponsored products in general.

Ready to activate your historical data and outpace the competition?

Contact us to see mimbi in action with a personalized demo.

