The Lighthouse in My Life’s Storm

Frederick Wijayadi Susilo
3 min readMay 11, 2024

Hi folks! Today, I want to share about one of my role models who has made me who I am today. In this advanced era, many people are flocking to take advantage of their skills to get jobs for a decent life. Access to vast new knowledge is very easy, but you must remain alert to all possible crimes that could occur. However, this freedom can also lead us into bad things, therefore we need a light in our life who can guide us on the right path.

Value of Life

I believe you all must have heard the statement ‘Like Father, Like Son’ and I feel that sentence suit with me now. My father has been through the hardships of life and always taught me lessons about the value of life. I always wanted to be like my father especially in terms of hard work, generosity and discipline under any circumstances. Even though, when I was a child, there were some times when I hated what my father did to me, but as I grew older, I began to understand that what I did was wrong and those life lessons made me who I am today.

Hard Work

My father teach me to always be grateful and not be jealous of what other people have, just focus on what we want to achieve and achieve it with our hard work. In the process of my hard work, he always told me to read all the possibilities that might occur and always be responsible for every task I carries out until it is completed. In our life, there will always be times when we are hit by a big storm, but we must be able to overcome it by stand still in our stance. When I’m lost, I always remember the things my father taught me as the light that illuminates my path.


We live in this world as social creatures and fellow humans depend on each other. Based on that principle, we must help other people, especially when they have difficulties wiithout expecting anything in return. My father always taught me to be useful for the happiness of many people. He always told me ‘Give what you can give to the others’ and it’s true, when I give help that can make other people happy, I will also feel happy. If we have more money, we shouldn’t feel like we have everything, on the other hand, if we are in a tight situation, we should be able to restrain ourselves from unnecessary desires.


Discipline is one of the most important keys to becoming a successful person where we ensure that everything is not according to our wishes but according to predefined standards. Discipline is not always about time, but also how to manage your money well. My father always implemented a culture of being on time in every scheduled activity. The way my father taught me to be disciplined with money was different from people in general, my father did not limit my pocket money in a day, but my father freed me to ask him for money by still advising me to use the money well. As time goes by, I feel I should be able to save the money I received as a form of responsibility.

Lastly, I would like to say thank you to my superhero for giving me meaningful guidance and being a ‘lighthouse’ in the darkest part of my life. Thank you for always reminding me when I fall in the wrong place. Thank you for always inspiring me to pursue my dreams. My father has told me many valuable things in life to become an independent, responsible, and never give up person.

