Lost, Unused & Scrapped Paper turned into Beautiful Complementary Art | Editorial: RE:STATO

Frederick J. Medina
4 min readOct 14, 2018


Sometimes magic comes into new ways that we never expect and usually the results are more than you think.

When the model Tania Mafilito called me and said that she wanted to create something and agreed to create something different I could not be more happier, I straight up told her that I had a pile of paper from my times in the university studying Graphic Design, it was like a lighting bolt of creativity struck us, we began to brainstorm in a phone call that I think lasted for roughly two hours, just after that we finally established the concept.

“We were going to create beauty portraits with beautiful complementary art made from just scrapped paper.”

First, we needed to arrange a team of creatives who were equally passionate as we were; Makeup, Hair, Assistants, Space or Studio, Art Directors and of course Models, so we started the hunt and start telling people about this idea of turning recycled paper into art.

Second, we needed to schedule and brain storm the ideas and general theme of the photoshoot, we made a lobby and started throwing ideas and thinking what would look good.

After we finished polishing our team and ideas, it was finally the time to get the resources ready and to schedule the photo shoot.

The day of the shoot went rather smooth, everything was going up to schedule, we picked up the models, the makeup artist, the photographer, the art director, and we set our path to our shoot place, UNTIL (Of course), we came into our first problem, the studio we were going to shoot had an electrical problem so we had to find a place on the go to make the images, thanks to a quick call of one of our models we finally found a place to shoot in the space of @brndconsulting , when we arrived we started to unpacking everything and begin to create.

While I was setting up the studio and doing my lighting test shots with Tania, Isabel started with the make up and Adolf begun creating art with the paper, the vibe of the photo shoot was so amazing, that it was unavoidable to not participate in the concept.

I wanted to try and create a totally new concept (for me at least) and transition from the work I have been doing so far, into something more inspiring and impactful over my society and my country, where recycling isn’t taken as seriously as it should, I specifically wanted to drive attention to this matter and while doing so, push my limits and my knowledge in editorial photography.

Of course, I could have not done this alone, I have always though that if you surround yourself with creatives and people who just love what they do, support your ideas and motivate you to grow and to push yourself even further, you can’t really expect anything wrong (In a creative way) to happen in your projects, I was blessed with the opportunity to work with this team that shared the motivation and were inspired by the idea of promoting recycling through art.

The results? Look for yourselves.

Thanks for reading my first article on Medium!

Want to see more? Step into my Behance portfolio!


Thanks for reading!

