Human Ellipses

Frederick Posimo
2 min readSep 22, 2016


As a species we are repetitious.

Were we to sit and patiently observe, we would begin to discern patterns from every angle.

Seasonal patterns, weather patterns, nature patterns, even human patterns. Many are easy to perceive, summer always precedes fall, trees start as a seed, snow comes in winter, rebirth in spring. However, much disparity lies in the patterns of humans.

Majority of the “issue” lies in the fact that our eyes can only see outward, we lack eyes for the inward. For this is where our ellipses lie.

“Show me your habits and I’ll show you your destiny.” — Tony Robbins

All that we do as humans is habitual and repetitious. On a physiological level, our brain waves, breathing, and heart beat are repetitious. On an emotional level, particular circumstances make us over joyed, while their opposition presents tremendous grief.

What has been the most encouraging to me however has been our capacity to create oscillation mentally. We each have rituals and routines which we perform religiously. Even if unconsciously, who we are is because of what we do.

Most amazing is our capacity for change.

What we do will be repetitious. But what we choose to repeat is up to us. Decisions are all we have as humans. Decide to repeat whatever it is that makes you who you want to be.

- Fred Posimo

