Frederic Michel-Verdier: Infrastructure News UK Today

Frederic Michel-Verdier
1 min readJan 15, 2020


National Infrastructure Commission chair, Sir John Armitt, has recently called on the Chancellor to commit to “a once-in-a-generation transformation of the UK’s transport, energy and technology networks.” In the letter to the Chancellor, Armitt’s key tests are:

Frederic Michel-Verdier
  • A long term perspective — the strategy must look beyond the immediate spending review for infrastructure funding and policy up to 2050;
  • Clear goals and plans to achieve them — this should be backed up with a specific plan with clear deadlines to ensure the commission can easily check progress;
  • A firm funding commitment — the government should commit to providing funding in line with the upper limit of the agreed guideline: 1.2% of GDP a year invested in infrastructure;
  • A genuine commitment to change — recommendations such as devolving funding for urban transport to cities and a national standard for flood resilience.

Frederic Michel Verdier is a Funds veteran specializing in infrastructure equity investments and asset management. Learn more about the works of Frederic Michel-Verdier here. You can also read the latest news and updates of the Frederic Michel-Verdier here.



Frederic Michel-Verdier

Frederic Michel Verdier is a Funds veteran specializing in infrastructure equity investments and asset management.