Blog 1: Let’s Crush It!

Frederic Van Cauwenberghe
5 min readMar 11, 2018


A little month ago my Social Media accounts were overwhelming me with posts from Gary Vaynerchuk. It was clear that he was totally thrilled about the launch of his new book Crushing it; How great entrepreneurs build their business and influence — and how you can, too. The core message is that when you follow your passion, opportunities will follow and opportunities bring money. From his posts, I understood he was planning to reach the #1 spot on Amazon’s top Sales list. It was very clear that he was going to succeed.

Two weeks later, I saw his book in a Jakarta bookstore. Even though I was so excited I couldn’t buy it. While Gary was aiming for the Social Media Valhalla, 7 days earlier I decided to stop using Social Media using my Bad Habits Removal Technique. I identified Social Media, YouTube & News scrolling as a big waste of my time, which kept me from getting things done, which resulted in frustration. Seven days in, the results were stunning! The ban on Social Media had given me a ton of free time, made me so much more productive and fulfilled. But it also gave me this big gaping void of time which was begging to be filled up with something meaningful.

When the book appeared in my Google Play Book suggestions, I just snapped and bought the book. I was so eager to learn what personal branding on Social Media was all about. In the middle of the audiobook, when he started talking about the possibilities of MySpace I realized that I was listening to the 2010 version. Although some brands were long gone, the content made more sense than ever. Personal branding is the future, and now is the time to act. The romantic idea of living your passion and opportunity will follow is true more than ever. I softened my ban on Social Media to allow me to get the benefits of having more time and the benefits of personal branding. This was the sacrifice to make to crush it, now and in the future.

The core process comes from the book Crush it from Gary Vaynerchuk. I checked the validity of the process with current Social Media influencers: Gary Vaynerchuk himself, Kerwin Rae and Kittendust.

Overview of the Process, Key Actions and Routines for creating a personal brand

Your blog should be free, authentic and high quality. The blog can be video, writing or audio. I like to be prepared thus I prefer to have a writing blog. I might be reusing content later in other blogging media formats. This is the content that people are going to post to any Social Media and will result in worth of mouth which is key to personal branding.

Your Social Media Accounts are responsible for the acquisition of leads. Most influencers will post on a daily basis. You want to be on top of your audience minds, you want to generate traffic to your blog.

Your products and services are your output. What is your passion and how can it benefit your audience? I love management and running a business. In both professional and personal context, you will find me reading management books, designing processes, defining strategies,…. My services are my job as a director and mentoring people. My product is My Guidebook to Life, which gives my audience access to my current processes, routines, and tools to find fulfillment.

Once the process is understood you include the repetitive key actions in your routines. Firstly I updated my Daily Evening Routine to make sure to create daily content for my Social Media, engage with my audience and execute my engagement strategy.

Extract from “My Guidebook to Life — Routines, Habits & Tools”

Secondly I set up a new Saturday/Sunday Routine. Previous weekend routines never sustained and are thus for me a bit more tricky. But as I don’t drink alcohol anymore (Bad Habits Removal Technique), I party less and have no hangovers. This combined with a strong direction (Strategy, Objectives & Key Results) and a promise to my readers makes me believe the routine will hold this time. Certainly, as I’m truly enjoying the writing of the blog.

It’s been 12 days the process is set-up and I’m executing the routines. I got numerous opportunities and heartfelt connections. Connection with real people who resonated with my ideas and it really hyped me up. I had a meeting with Geert Roete from Infinity Mobile about a partnership around Chatbots. I had a mentoring call with Jonas Vangindertael about the difficulties of starting up his company Appetide. I had a LinkedIn comment discussion with Duri Granziol, the co-CEO of Lazada Indonesia. I wrote a LinkedIn post about my daily routine of giving handshakes which was very well received. I shared some deep personal thoughts with Oscar Verlinden. Most opportunities I received came via LinkedIn where the audience reacted positively to my engagement efforts. Next, my Facebook friends showed interest in my blog and my Instagram followers liked my daily photos.

Run your life like a business. YOU have the free resources and the skills to conquer the world. And now you have access to a set of processes, routines and tools. So do you have any other excuse?

My name is Frederic Van Cauwenberghe. I am a Partner and the Director of Projects & Delivery at Port Cities International. I’m continuously looking to improve my business, my department, the people around me and myself. I believe in the power of action, processes, routines and tools to create company and personal environments which bring fulfillment to all who are involved.

This blog and My Guidebook to Life aim to create an engaged community of people looking to improve their lives & personal fulfillment substantially. To set up a Personal Management framework that allows people to shine and to be able to fulfill themselves independent from their DNA, gender or background.

You have a Google account and want to be on top of things? Request access to My Guidebook to Life.

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Frederic Van Cauwenberghe

Partner and Director of Projects & Delivery at Port Cities International ( // Continuously looking to improve my business and myself.