Expert Flutter IDE SetUp

an opinionated way to set-up an IDE for Flutter app development to get more power!

Fred Grott
Published in
10 min readMar 5, 2021


No matter you want to use the Android Studio IDE or the Microsoft Visual Studio Code IDE for Flutter App Development it’s not easy to learn a whole new IDE on top of both the dart computer language and the flutter front-end framework. Would it not be nice if you could download this magical git repo that would have things organized so that you could import a settings file or two and have the IDE already maximized in the editor settings to get fast on flutter app development right away?

You are in luck as since I want to make sure you have the right flutter app development habits from the beginning; I have set up such a git repo called flutter_setUP:


Yes, there are some goodies in that repo such as the keyboard shortcut pdfs for both IDEs, the correct run-configurations(launch configurations), etc.

Download that git repo first and unzip it to a folder. Now I will discuss both IDE’s and how to use that flutter_setup repo to set up your Flutter IDE for maximum speed in developing flutter applications.

IDE Concepts

