Auto Liker for Instagram: Cashing in On Insta Love

Fredrik Gisslén
5 min readOct 18, 2018


Instagram has evolved to be a big deal in internet marketing and social networking. Many businesses today understand that Instagram likes and follows can tip the scales of revenue flow. The Instagram market is more receptive, promising digital marketers’ value for their money. On the other hand, celebrities, politicians and other socialites have found Instagram to be an excellent tool for communication. In all its utility and efficiency, Instagram has a catch — it is the business of likes and follows. That is where auto likers come into play.

When Instagram was released, getting likes and follows was as easy as taking candy from a baby. The situation has long changed. Instagram has undergone algorithmic changes that have made it hard for accounts to grow. One could argue that the move by entrepreneurs to use Instagram for business is the causative factor.

Today, the one true formula to gain more likes and new followers on Instagram is to show some love. You need to be liking your friends posts, following new friends and making sincere comments on their posts. This strategy never fails because it is in line with Instagrams vision to allow users to experience moments in their friends’ lives through pictures as they happen. Now, with several thousands of friends and followers, how can one show this same love? Automation is the key.

Instagram auto likers are bots that have been programmed to help find the right people to follow, like and comment automatically. It saves time on an otherwise tedious task, setting you up to receive more Instagram love in the form of followers and likes.

The best Instagram likers, like I-bot by Influencer Paradise, offer human-like interactions. Every day, you will achieve more traction with Instagram when the bot goes on about liking and following accounts as per your subject specifications. This tool has proven to surpass expectations time and again.

When dealing with Instagram tools, it is important to remember that Instagram is always on the lookout for accounts that exhibit robotic behaviors. That includes getting too many followers at once, liking too many posts at once or following numerous followers at once.

About Instagram Auto Likers

Diligent App developers, to help businesses and individuals to interact with several followers at a go, designed algorithms to ease this process. The best Instagram tools work in the background to position your account as highly interactive.

An Instagram liker can push your Instagram account to the top of followers’ favorite list, enabling you to earn large numbers of followers and likes. Your only task would be to specify the hashtags you are interested in. The bots will go on to find the right people and posts matching your criteria to like and follow.

Pros of Using Auto likers

  • You stand to get many likes, comments, and followers.
    People like interacting with active Instagram accounts. When you follow, like and comment on posts, you can expect that users are going to do the same for you.
  • Easy social media management.
    Instagram bots enable us to focus on building our account and communicating meaningful information. The task of interacting with users is handed to machine intelligence like I-bot which do it better and faster. Most auto likers offer free services or free trials to users. One can test the effectiveness of bots before committing to them.
  • Your account will stand out top among the rest.
    With the many friends and likes you get, you will have plenty of opportunities to increase revenue and grow your profile in society.
  • Digital marketers can save more time and resources.
    You will not need a full house team of social media managers, you can do with the bots and your regular posts.

Cons of Auto likers

  • You risk getting banned by Instagram.
    Some bots are not adequately developed to give human-like interactions. These bots will wave red flags for liking too many posts at once or following too many random people. For that reason, you need to choose which bot to work with carefully.
  • Auto likers can put you at the risk of spam posts and followers.
    Many bots out there may not tell the difference between fake followers and real followers. Similarly, you might like spam photos which will cause suspicion among your friends.

How to find the best Instagram auto liker

Many bots out there will put your account at risk. Through proper research you can find a bot that offers real Instagram interaction through follows, likes and comments on. With the right Instagram automatic liker, you will have the best digital marketing tool anyone could ever need. Forget about buying fake followers and likes — you can grow your account with organic likes and follows through the right tool. Many have successfully used these platforms to achieve their marketing goals. Make sure to check trust pilot reviews to ensure that the customers have great things to say about the service you want use.

Human interactions

Human interaction is the core of internet marketing. Find an Instagram bot that allows you to earn human followers that will interact with your brand. Many bots will either get you fake followers and likes, or people who are not interested in what you do.

Dormant users

The right Instagram auto liker should also have an option to unfollow users who don’t follow you, plus those that have been inactive for long.

Customizing likes and follows

The best Instagram automation tools enable users to customize which accounts to follow and posts to like. By specifying the hashtag, one gets to instruct the auto liker tool to pick relevant Instagram posts to like and comment.

Similarly, the right auto liker bot will not just blindly follow accounts; new accounts will need to have relevant content that matches what you have previously liked and followed.

Gaining Followers Made Easy!

Thanks to technology, we now have automation of SEO services. With the help of auto likers, you can bag yourself a ton of Instagram followers without breaking a sweat. You will only need to focus on creating beautiful content, and leave the rest to the bots. So why not try an Instagram auto liker today?

