So, are men better programmers or not?

Fredrik Josefsson
5 min readDec 10, 2018


I recently had a comment deleted on Quora that said little more than men being better programmers than women.

I don’t know how restrictive Medium is against this sort of “hate speech” but to me it is important to write honestly, and if that offends people, I have to move to another venue. I’m not going to write much more on Quora anyways.

If someone says “men are better programmers” then a good argument would be to give evidence of why that is. Another topic to discuss is why men are programmers. Maybe because of “discrimination”. Or maybe because men are more interested in programmering.

But the left these days doesn’t want to engage in conversation. They want to silence people with the wrong opinions. How can one talk to a person who wants to silence him? That’s why I am stopping writing on Quora, at least for now.

Whenever leftists discuss gender differences, the only acceptable explanation is to blame it one discrimination. In most cases, the arguments make little sense for anyone able to think one step further. E.g. women would be just as likely or unlikely to be discriminated in the medical industry, but they actually make up 47% of graduates in the US (2017). Soon they are expected to overtake men.

While in STEM, the breakdown of STEM graduates in 2016 was 37% female and 63% male. If women were more interested in STEM, why wouldn’t they chose it?

Feminism treat women as if they were children who need to be pampered. Unless a woman has “good rolemodels”, they are supposedly not interested in STEM!

The same excuse is made for black people: unless we show more black MDs on TV, black people don’t realize they can become doctors.

It makes me wonder how many black basketball players they had to encourage black people to start playing basketball.

But thinking isn’t approved of. Logical arguments aren’t approved of. Yelling “systematic discrimination” is approved of, so people keep on doing it. Having someone like me, or Jordan Peterson or Ben Shapiro, coming in with arguments is too troubling for liberals, so they ensure people like us are shut down as much as possible.

For one thing, young people seriously believe that homosexuality would be perfectly acceptable had it not been for the Abrahamitic religions coming in and oppressing the “natural” homosexuality. In fact, in virtually every culture, homosexuality is frowned upon. Even the Romans considered it disgraceful for a man to receive anal sex. Putting a penis inside another man anus was seen as less disgusting though. I’m not too sure about the “love” aspect; if the Romans even saw love as we do today…

In any case, I told a person about how homosexuals are far more promiscuous than heterosexuals. He didn’t even believe me. That’s the extent the gaylobby has come too. I showed him a graph, but I later deleted it because I figured it would be considered hate speech on Quora.

In The Male Couple, authors David P. McWhirter and Andrew M. Mattison reported that, in a study of 156 males in homosexual relationships lasting from one to thirty-seven years, only seven couples have a totally exclusive sexual relationship, and these men all have been together for less than five years. Stated another way, all couples with a relationship lasting more than five years have incorporated some provision for outside sexual activity in their relationships.

Why is that? Unless your answer is “systematic discrimination and obsolete gender roles” (or something similar), your opinion is considered hate speech.

Ben Shapiro was wrong. Facts do care about our emotions. At least in the Liberal Western World.

You see, it is all connected. All the things we can’t talk about. So back to male programmers, I tried to figure out any kind of objective measurement on whether men are better programmers than women or not. Empirical experience from my own career would just be dismissed as sexism.

When looking at the number of women who graduate in Computer Science (CS), the rates are actually lower now than they were 20 years ago.

The rational explanation would be to say that since we have feminism everywhere these days, and yet women are less interested in computer science, then maybe there is some biological reason for why women are less interested that can’t be bridged by telling women that they can do CS?

But we cannot discuss gender issues rationally. I think it might not even be allowed.

What I don’t understand is why women need to be pampered? Men don’t need to be pampered. They can work hard at trying to accomplish something. The whole purpose of the liberal movement in the 19th century was to give people equal access to education and jobs. If people can’t motivate themselves to study, that’s not the fault of society.

Why do liberals insist on treating women and minorities as children? Can’t those groups accomplish anything without being spoonfed? I think it is disrespectful to those groups.

Immigrants come to the US and often have to work very hard with the simplest jobs. Yet they are ambitious. Everywhere in the world do people know that medical doctors and engineers are the top status jobs. But in the western world, liberals pretend that minorities and women can’t figure it out — unless they have better role models.

I wonder why that is.

I tried to find a chart of top programmers in the world but the best I could find was the ICPC, an annual international programming competition between the best programmers at the best universities in the world.

If the traditional liberal ideas are true, then universities will make use of the best programmers in their school, or they would lose the competition. According to the liberal ideas of today though, women won’t get chosen anyways because they are systematically suppressed.

When looking at the teams, for every 75 or so team members I saw around 1 woman. (those with yellow tags appear to be the team coach who might not be part of the programmers)

What does that tell us? Be aware that conclusions might be considered hate speech. Better not to think too much.

