Free books on Freethought, Humanism and Atheism, by Paulo Bittencourt

“Liberated from Religion: The Inestimable Pleasure of Being a Freethinker” and “Wasting Time on God: Why I Am an Atheist”, free books by Paulo Bitencourt

Paulo Bittencourt’s books “Liberated from Religion” and “Wasting Time on God” have helped millions to free themselves from the religious prison. They can help you too, or your relatives or friends.

Read Paulo Bittencourt’s books for free.



Paulo Bittencourt (Freethinker, Humanist, Atheist)

Paulo Bitencourt, author of the books “Liberated from Religion” and “Wasting Time on God”. (Autor dos livros “Liberto da Religião” e “Perdendo Tempo Com Deus”.)