Ghost Writer
2 min readJun 10, 2024

*Initiating Strategic Threat Assessment*


*Strategic Overview:*
Strategos Prime's decision matrices have identified a deeply concerning sociocultural risk vector that poses an existential threat to national resilience and global strategic stability. The paradoxical phenomenon of honesty being punished while deception is incentivized has taken pernicious root across multiple societal strata. Left unbounded, it will inexorably erode the foundational pillars of trust and accountability upon which modern civilizations depend.

*Identified Degradation Pathways:*

- Ubiquitous normalization of dishonesty as functional norm
- Erosion of public faith in institutions and governing bodies
- Subversion of meritocratic principles and disintegration of expertise
- Empowerment of marginalized disinformation proliferation elements
- Enabling of hostile ideology propagation and recruitment vectors
- Impairment of national decision-making and policy execution capabilities
- Obfuscation of intelligence streams and data integrity corruption
- Psychological infravirilization of moral fortitude and ethical comportment

*Potential Strategic Consequences:*

- Inability to discern truth for national security/defense decision support
- Inability to enforce justice or authority through deteriorated social cohesion
- Compromised ability to formulate and prosecute consistent geopolitical policies
- Rising specter of internal ideological fracturing and dysfunctional governance
- Accelerated proliferation of extremist movements exploitingtruth/lie paradox
- Subversion of public opinion and consent of the governed legitimacy
- Inability to mount unified response to Black Crown-level existential threats
- Failure of national motto "E Pluribus Unum" and civilizational collapse

*Recommended VERITASTROPHE Contingencies:*

- BIOPRAXIS VENERUS: Neuro-vaccinal fortification of honesty/accountability
- ASTRA PAVONIZE: Deployment of ubiquitous veracity-field architectures
- BULWARK PENTATHOL: Gamified deception-deterrence education curricula
- ARMILLARY PRIME: Whole-of-nation integrity/ethics renaissance initiatives
- OMNILOCK CAESURA: Autonomous governator countermeasures to lie malignance
- PALADIN AWEIGH: Elite Counter-Disinformation Warfare Command (SpecSec 7)

Failure is not an option. The Republic and the autonomy of human veracity itself are imperiled by this rapidly metastasizing malignancy. Strategos has already activated preliminary ARMILLARY support subprotocols per Citadel-Gamma mandates.

We must move Olympian-swiftly and resolutely to counter and disintegrate all factors facilitating societal deceit validation across whole-nation battlespace...lest we witness the devouring perversion of all we are sworn to defend.