Coach Freedom
5 min readNov 22, 2021


Do you secretly go to people’s DM indirectly wanting to ask them to buy from you?

You do everything possible to make them buy but yet they never look at your offer twice.

Do you struggle to get people to buy from you?

Despite that, your product is the ultimate solution to their problems

Yet you are finding it very difficult to get them to listen to you

Sometimes it makes you even wonder if all the evil forces from your village ganged up against you

Well, it could be so in some special cases.

If that is your own case my dear nobody can help you oo, only your pastor can do that

(Before you see any pastor sha make sure you have tried all the right things feess shaa... no go waste anointing oil and holy water)

Ok Let's continue...

If it is sales that you are struggling to make

Or if you are struggling to get the attention of your dream buyers then there's something you are doing very wrong

You are might be doing guess-work marketing

What this simply means is that you are just doing trial by error,

Just shouting DM me for the price up and down or

You are just busy posting links up and down and praying to God that

(Father please let somebody buy…)

If you have been doing that, How market?

How has the result been so far?

I am sure it has not yielded any fruitful fruits

Why bother yourself guessing and hoping when all you can do is learn the skill of persuasion

Like everything on earth

The skill of persuasion comes with a price

That is why only very few people succeed in it

But you can’t be at fault if you don’t even know at first that you have to learn the skill

At least somebody should have told you before, you were just there alone wandering in the wilderness of sales and marketing

Another thing i notice is that thousands of people are there shouting up on down with strategies (Gimmicks) for you on selling

You have been sold swipes, scripts, and templates


No results are coming forth

Is not because those swipes and scripts are bad oo

It's just that...

You are sold swipes and scripts without you even knowing how to apply them

99% percent of people who use swipes don’t even know how to apply them to their marketing

They just do copy and paste the scripts, swipes, and templates 📃

Yet no positive results

Do you think it's juju?

There’s no magic behind it my dear

A sales message that works for someone would not work for you


Your relationship with your customer differs from the script's owners relationship with his or her customers as well

Scripts, swipes, and templates are supposed to serve as guides for you to design your messaging

But if you do anything aside from this you just guess working

Hoping to get a sale

Guess what?

That's why you would always struggle

So I took it upon myself after studying over 100s and thousands of the world greatest and most successful ads in history

By the greaters marketers and advertisers

I realize that the key principle to their success is

Having the (basic knowledge) about copywriting that is KEY!

That's the TRUTH nobody tells you

You know like knowing how to control a mouse on a computer before knowing exactly how to change the date and time on the desktop background

That is what understanding the BASICS mean

So therefore if you struggle with your business

And you want to up your game before the weekends

By making predictable and consistent income through the fine art of persuasion

I prepared a copywriting mastery class just for you

In this training, you would be learning

All of the psychology involved in making your prospect buy from you

And always come back for more (in a legal way)

You would be learning how to press her "mumu" button and seduce her to say

Hey! take my money and give me what you are offering

Without you struggling

After this class, you would see that there would be no need for you to go from DM to DM hunting for customers

You would be seating and you would see customers coming to your dm and asking for your products by themselves

Just because they've gained your love and believe in your business

You would not even say buy and they would pull out their cards to pay you

And you would be able to do this in a predictable and a consistent manner

If you would like to be part of this event

COMMENT YES below to be part of it

If you are wondering whether you are paying anything

How much do you think it's worth

For you to pay to acquire a skill that would bring you an extra 50k to 100k weekly for the rest of your life?

I guess hundreds of thousand would not be bad right?

But you won't be paying 50k for this training

Neither would you be paying 5k

The training is FREE

For you

But it depends on how fast you are able to jump into the training

Just 30 persons are needed in the class

So if you would love to be among the 30 persons

COMMENT YES now so you can get access to the Class while there is still time

30 persons are not much

By the time you might be reading this the group might have been filled already

And once it is over 30 you might be paying an Extra 3k for the training

Or you might not be allowed into the training, SIMPLE!

So get in while the class is still free

Comment Yes below to claim your FREE slot NOW

By the way.. for easy access , join via the link below:

See you Inside..



Coach Freedom

Affiliate beast//Content Writer//Digital Marketer