When You Don’t Feel Like It…

Freedom From Work
3 min readOct 11, 2018


Today I swear I’m not doing anything…woof…🎶🎶

Every day you wait is another day you won’t get back

— One Tree Hill

When you don’t feel like getting out of bed in the morning.

When you don’t feel like going to the gym today.

When you don’t feel like studying.

When you don’t feel like eating healthy.

When you don’t feel like reading that book you promised yourself you would.

When you don’t feel like being kind.

When you don’t feel like being generous.

When you don’t feel like working on your most important task for the day.

When you don’t feel like saving money.

When you don’t feel like cleaning up your living environment although it’s in a mess and the clutter is affecting your productivity.

When you don’t feel like stopping that Netflix binge even though you told yourself it’s the last episode but five hours have passed since.

When you don’t feel like talking to another person and forming meaningful relationships.

When you don’t feel like quitting smoking.

When you don’t feel like it, that’s when you must do it.

Whatever it is.

If you know it’s the right thing to do.

Just do it.

Your future self will thank you for it.

On procrastination…

The great Italian maestro Pablo Picasso once said:

Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone.

That’s a good way to live.

That is literally living with no regrets. Living like you were dying.

Instead we procrastinate.


Procrastination is the biggest thief of time — besides an unfulfilling 9–6 job of course 😉

But on a serious note, how much time do we waste on social media, Netflix, YouTube and video games?

These things are like the modern-day equivalent of drugs. Digital drugs.

Today, more than at any time in history, we have a digital drug addiction.

And like drug addiction or any other addiction for that matter, it destroys your brain as well as your relationships.

It’s up to you to resist the temptation.

Action points/notes to self

  • When I don’t feel like doing something I know I must, stop putting it off and procrastinating.
  • Every day ask myself “am I putting off anything I’m not willing to have undone if I died tomorrow?”
  • Life is short enough as it is. Don’t let procrastination steal more of it.

Question time

Do you struggle with procrastination?

Or do you struggle with motivation?

What techniques do you use to overcome them both and get things done?

Would love to hear from you so please leave a message in the comments.

Until next time.


Tony Lee Jacobs

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Originally published at freedomfrom.work on October 11, 2018.



Freedom From Work

Tony Lee Jacobs. ✈️Escape the 9–5 and reclaim your time and life. https://freedomfrom.work