5keks Team Review

Tergel N
4 min readDec 8, 2018


Hi im Bjornos.

Since my captain wont do a team review since hes a pussy, im doing one for the memes and flames. Ill try to be honest as possible, and provide necessary information for future teammates and captains. Here’s my team review of 5keks.


Pro: Captain of the team. At Legend rank his main role is offlaner, however we had him play rotating pos5. Ripley is a type a captain who tries very hard and is always level headed during games. As any other captain should do he was the one who scouted and scheduled everything for us. He even made a spreadsheet for us to draft better, which was insane, had every team info. Honestly during the most drafts, we exactly knew what the opponents would pick and ban all thanks to Ripley’s magic sheet. 10/10 captain

Con: Ripley is a very smart individual IRL im sure, however sometimes he has a tendency to over defend himself. When someone would point out a mistake Ripley sometimes would think otherwise, instead of agreeing and moving on. However, this does not happen a lot. 6/10 dota skills

Truckwaffle: Oh boy! The infamous Truckwaffle of RD2L. This guys is something else. 1st pick of the draft Immortal carry/offlane? player.

Pro: Wholesome™, Non-tilt™ are all I hear about this guy. Which are somewhat true. However, none of those things matter. I had to lane every game with this guy, and he flamed me every single game. Nonetheless, I had so much fun laning with this dude. I actually forgot how to play dota.

Con: Among all these plebs of RD2L, an individual with IMMORTAL ranks is somewhat expected to carry your team. However, if you have Truck in your team, do not expect anything. All season long, he wanted these dumbass heroes like Viper, Bristle in the offlane, wanted to play “offlaner who farms and pushes lanes, so the team reacts so he creates space for the team?” type of a role. Make what you want from that, it is fun to play with truck, his schedule is fucked, however if you draft him you better have a psychologist who can un-retard you after a season with truck. 10/10 personality 7/10 dota skills riki/10 hero pool

Aug: Second pick of the draft. Aug is a known offlaner and winner of SEAL or smthing. We made him play carry/space creating role because our offlaner is “immortal” player.

Pro: Very mechanically skilled player, would salvage our midgame. Was very wholesome, and never really tilted. Communications are good. 9/10 carry

Con: Never really played with us outside of officials, had better games to play I guess. However, im sure if truck wasnt so busy and we’d scheduled some scrims he’d come to them. Also, id see him more in CSGO inhouses than in dota client. 6/10 csgo player.

4leks: 4th round pick, our midlaner. At ancient 2, I think he had the hardest job out of all of us. He’d face immortal player, never once complained about his lane. Very wholesome guy

Pro: He’d face immortal, divine players, never once complained about his lane. Very tryhard, I still dont know how he’d sometimes solo kill unwinnable matchups in the midlane. Communication can be excessive, but it would work for some quieter teams. 10/10 cyka blyat

Con: Because, he is midlaner at ancient 2, hed get outfarmed by opposing mids, most of times. The game knowledge needs improvements, sometimes id look at alex, and hed roam around the map without doing anything. Communication, he’d defend himself a lot during games. 5/10 dota skills

Applesauce: Last round pick of the draft. Drafted at Legend 2? applesauce got Ancient 2 at the end of the season. I think he plays core with his buddies, but had to play rotating 5 for this team.

Pro: I think he is very skilled at his level, game knowledge is dank for his rank. Buys all the wards and supports very well in lane. 10/10 sandbag

Con: Did not really talk a lot during games. 7/10 dota skills

Bjorn: I played pos 4 for this team and was drafted at 3rd pick. For the future reference do not draft me in third round, I dont think I am good enough to be third best player on the team.

Pro: Alpha af, memes, will fuck your gf and still play dota with you. 10/10 monkaS

Con: Ancient1, 1 hero pool. Would 98/100 times ks your kills and expect no comments about it. 5/10 dota skills

Overall. I wasn’t expecting this team to be this fun at the beginning of the season. I enjoyed playing with all of these dudes, and would gladly play with all of you again. Now I gotta go see my the-rapist ;)

