Roger Freed
4 min readJan 31, 2024

Enlightening Similarities Between The Warsaw Ghetto Of 1942 And The Gaza Strip Of 2024

There was prejudice against the Jews before World War Two. Hitler exacerbated it.

There was prejudice against the Palestinians by many Israels before the latest war. Netanyahu exacerbated it. (Hamas has its own prejudices as well)

The Nazi’s and Poles wanted revenge on the Jews for mostly unsubstantiated reasons.

Hamas wanted revenge on Israel for past Israeli attacks and the constant Israeli occupation and taking of Palestinian land of the West Bank, the arrest of Hamas leaders, isolation tactics and the bombing of Gaza. (The Israelis attacked Hamas targets because of small attacks on Israel, the major in October 2023; Israeli incursions into Gaza and taking of prisoners and often unsubstantiated arrests of Gaza and West Bank citizens. The fact that Hamas does not recognize Israel’s right to exist plays a large part in this too.)

Fortified walls were constructed around perimeters to contain inhabitants in the ghetto in Warsaw.

Fortified walls were built around Gaza by the Israelis and Egypt to pen in the Palestinians.

Warsaw Ghetto Wall construction began on April 1st, 1940.

Walls around Gaza began in 1994 by Israel.

Living conditions in the Warsaw Ghetto were deplorable with inadequate food, heat and living spaces sanctions imposed on it by the Nazis and the Poles.

Living conditions in the Gaza Strip were well below the standards for a modern country. It was one of the densest populated areas in the world with one of the highest growth rates and had inadequate water, housing, sewage, electricity, high rates of unemployment and sanctions imposed on it by Israel.

Israel controls the Gaza Strip’s northern borders, as well as its territorial waters and airspace. Egypt controls Gaza Strip’s southern border, under an agreement between it and Israel. Neither Israel or Egypt permits free travel from Gaza as both borders are heavily militarily fortified.

In Warsaw both the Nazi’s and the Poles restricted the Jews from leaving the Ghetto.

One third of Gaza’s inhabitants trace their family’s roots to land inside the Gaza Strip. The remaining two-thirds are refugees from the 1948 war and their descendants, many of whom are from towns and villages surrounding Gaza. During the 1948 war that established the state of Israel, their military bombed 29 villages in southern Palestine causing tens of thousands of their population to flee to the Gaza Strip which was under the control of the Egyptian army.

Most of the Warsaw Ghettos inhabitants had lived there for centuries but after the Nazi attack many Jews fled the German front and also came to Warsaw.

Escapees were shot on sight in Warsaw.

Escapees captured, imprisoned and occasionally shot by Isrealis at Gaza.

Overall area contracted with time in the Warsaw ghetto and was eventually obliterated.

Overall area gradually reduced- Gaza and West Bank. Gaza is now being obliterated.

The Poles and Germans running Poland did not consider the Jews to be citizens and treated them like prisoners.

The Egyptian government controlling Palestine when Israel became a country did not consider it a part of Egypt and did not allow the refugees to become Egyptian citizens or to migrate to Egypt or to other Arab countries where they might be integrated into the population. Israel did not allow them to return to their former homes or to receive compensation for their loss of property.

The Warsaw Jews built tunnels and used the sewers to get black market food and supplies into the impoverished area. Later they also used these to smuggle in weapons and to smuggle people out.

The Gaza Palestinians built tunnels to get necessities like fuel, food, medicine and other goods into their area and Hamas used it to get weapons in.

Approximately 100,000 ghetto inmates had already died in Warsaw by the time of the last siege.
Approximately 100,000 ghetto inmates had already died in Gaza by the time of this writing.

By the end of 1942, it was clear that the deportations were to their deaths at Warsaw.

By the end of 2023 it was apparent that the Isrealies were going to overrun all of Gaza.

For two weeks at the beginning of the war, no humanitarian assistance, including food, was allowed into Gaza at all.

At the end of the existence of the Warsaw Ghetto no humanitarian food or supplies needed for city life were allowed into the area.

In 1942, Polish Resistance officer Jan Karski reported to the Western Governments on the situation in the ghetto and the extermination camps. Many of the remaining Jews decided to resist further deportations and began to smuggle in weapons, ammunition and supplies.

In reaction to Israel’s intrusions into Gaza and repressions many Palestinians decided to smuggle in weapons, ammunition and supplies.

On Jan. 18th, 1943 German troops suddenly entered the Warsaw Ghetto. Within hours 600 Jews were shot and 5,000 others taken away. The German soldiers didn’t expect there to be any resistance, but their attack was stopped by a surprise counter attack by Jews with guns and Molotov cocktails.

On Oct. 27, 2023 Israel spearheaded a major attack on Gaza with the intention of destroying Hamas and removing them permanently from the government of that part of Palestine. Some believe that they also wanted to cripple Gaza permanently or take large parts of its land for Israel. Hamas and an undetermined number of Gaza citizens put up a strong resistance.

A final assault on the Warsaw Ghetto started on April 19, 1943 (probably done purposely on that date because it was Passover) and several thousand Nazi troops attacked the remaining who fought back hard with what little they had. Finally 2,000 Wafen-SS troops blew up and burned the ghetto buildings block by block and killed or captured any Jews they came across.

The assault on Gaza continues without an end in sight. The rest you have already seen photos of or can imagine.

Roger Freed

I am normally a writer of humor on such websites as and (pen name is sometimes rfreed). Now I am getting serious….sort of…..