Let’s make amazing color schemes in seconds.

Free Figma Templates
3 min readSep 2, 2022

As a digital designer, logo designer, graphic designer, brand designer or any type of designer you’re expected to create great designs and also a fantastic matching color scheme but making color schemes is really, really difficult.

Even when you delve deep into color theory and understand it fully it can still be extremely difficult to create a consistent, coherent and modern color palette because it requires a very different set of talents to visual design. Digital and graphic design requires you to be very structured and alignment focused whereas making color themes requires a much more expressive, artistic mindset.

Ok now that we’ve made you feel better about not being a color theme master let’s look at some options to help you pick amazing colors.

Option 1: Leave it to a robot

First up select a color that you really love and paste the hex code into the Coolors Website Color Scheme Creater Bot and it’ll instantly add complimentary colors. It’s surprisingly good at this and makes building color schemes a breeze.

If you’re making digital designs we recommend just having two main colors and then adding complimentary blacks/greys/whites.

Option 2: Copy like a pro

If you haven’t heard of Adobe Color then you’re missing out. It contains trending color schemes compiled from millions of designers, so it’s safe to say their color schemes are beautiful and modern, though perhaps a little safe.

Browse the Trends page for the latest ‘cool’ color schemes and just shamelessly copy and paste them into your style guide. Try a whole lot of them and use the one that most aligns with your brand.

Option 3: Go minimalist

Many websites are going down the minimalist route nowadays, choosing to select only one single defining color and matching it with black, white and grey. It’s all very simple and easy but works extremely well, if you’re thinking to try this out for yourself but don’t know which main color to use, then try out Pantones’ selection of ‘Color of the Year’ colors, they all work really when creating minimalist color schemes though try pushing the saturation up to make them pop… yes this does mean you’re moving away from the original trendy color but it works surprisingly well.

In Conclusion

The one thing to remember with all of these color generators is they follow the trends, they don’t surpass them, so if you truly want to break boundaries you’ll need to start making your own color schemes from scratch, just be confident, try and fail, and get a lot of feedback from users and other designers and you’ll improve in time.

