The Top 5 Most Popular Free Figma Templates for June

Free Figma Templates
3 min readJun 8, 2024

With all the strife occurring globally and lots of elections occurring we thought this month lots of designers would be searching for global charity and emotional support templates.

Well nope, none of that made an impact, designers are just looking for the usual things; amazing inspiration, stunning designs, great portfolios and a few straightforward items too, such as ‘real estate’ and ‘eCommerce’ templates.

Let’s check out our top 5 most popular free Figma templates for the month of June:

5. Clean eCommerce Website Kit

You can create a simple and professional eCommerce website in seconds or minutes with this free Figma template. It’s very basic but still looks great and guarantees an excellent base template that you can build upon.

+Template Link

4. Five Portfolio Website Designs

This set of 5 website landing pages designs have been available for a while but the quality has been iteratively improved and they now look great. The orange design we especially love and recommend you check it out. It’s big, bright, modern and fun.

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3. Twenty Stunning Hero Sections

These homepage hero section designs really are stunning, sometimes the use of AI image generation on a website can look a little tacky and cheap, but when applied carefully and sparingly it can really engage and impress the viewer.

All of these 20 free layouts have a unique structure and a visually interesting accompanying visual image. So be sure to pick and choose the best of these that work for you.

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2. Real Estate Website Template

The extremely competitive market of real estate requires you to develop websites that are highly professional and infinitely trusted. This free figma website template does just that. It provides a variety of options for your opening landing page and each has unique positives and negatives.

+ Link to Free Template

1. Ultimate Memoji Creator

We’ve discussed this fun and engaging template multiple times as it’s ranked no.1 for about a year now. The only other thing to mention is that if you need more Memoji variety we have lots more Memoji templates on our website.

+ Link to Free Template


One theme we have noticed in 2024 is a better quality of fully prebuilt (complete working website) design templates are now available online. Signifying that it’s become easier than ever to convert your Figma designs into complete interactive websites.

Grab all the amazing, fully editable templates mentioned above and more at:

