State of Go 2016 Survey

1 min readJun 8, 2016


Update: See the raw results, a google sheet of the results and/or my Gophercon lightning talk slides.

TL;DR: If you are interested in Go please take a few minutes to fill out this survey. I’ll do a follow up with the results.

I’ve been wondering what most other gophers are up to these days, what tools are being used, what packages are popular, where are people deploying, etc.

Inspired by a slack conversation with Damian Gryski a few weeks ago I started putting together the State of Go 2016 Survey.

Completing the survey should take 5–10 minutes and is anonymous, unless you choose to enter an email address at the end. Please contact me if you have any questions about or issues with the survey. Please help spread the word by sharing the link ( on your social networks, with co-workers, at meetups, etc.

The survey will run through the last day of talks at GopherCon Denver, July 12th, 2016. I will propose a lightning talk for July 13th @ GopherCon and/or do a follow up blog post with the results later in July.

Thanks to the various community members who helped produce, polish and test this survey and specifically William Kennedy & Andrew Gerrand.

