Reasons to learn Rust in 2023

2 min readMar 27, 2023


Rust is a multi-paradigm, high-level, general-purpose programming language. Rust emphasizes performance, type safety, and concurrency.

I. Rust’s Growing Popularity

  • Actionable Tip: Get involved in the Rust community by attending meetups and contributing to open-source projects
  • Mistake to Avoid: Not keeping up with Rust’s latest developments and updates
  • Statistic with a source: According to the TIOBE Index, Rust is currently ranked as the 20th most popular programming language in the world, up from 38th place in 2020.
  • Case Studies/Stories:
  1. Dropbox’s adoption of Rust for performance-critical components in their backend systems.
  2. Discord’s use of Rust to improve their audio quality and reduce latency.

II. Rust’s Focus on Memory Safety

  • Actionable Tip: Use Rust’s borrow checker to catch and prevent common memory-related bugs
  • Mistake to Avoid: Ignoring the borrow checker’s warnings and opting for unsafe code
  • Statistic with a source: According to Mozilla’s Rust programming language survey, 76% of developers reported experiencing fewer bugs related to memory safety after switching to Rust.
  • Case Studies/Stories:
  1. The Rust programming language’s use in the Firefox browser to prevent memory-related crashes and vulnerabilities.
  2. A case study of the Rust programming language’s use in developing the MIRI symbolic execution engine, which aims to find memory safety bugs in Rust programs.

III. Rust’s Performance and Concurrency

  • Actionable Tip: Utilize Rust’s ownership and borrowing model to write high-performance code
  • Mistake to Avoid: Overusing Rust’s parallelism features without proper synchronization and communication
  • Statistic with a source: According to the TechEmpower Framework Benchmarks, Rust outperforms other popular programming languages in raw speed and throughput.
  • Case Studies/Stories:
  1. Rust’s use in developing the Servo browser engine, which utilizes concurrency to achieve high performance on multi-core systems.
  2. A case study of Rust’s use in developing the TiKV distributed transactional key-value database, which utilizes Rust’s ownership and borrowing model for high performance and reliability.

IV. Rust’s Versatility

  • Actionable Tip: Use Rust for a variety of programming tasks, from systems programming to web development
  • Mistake to Avoid: Assuming that Rust is only suitable for low-level systems programming
  • Statistic with a source: According to the State of Rust survey, Rust is being used for a variety of tasks, including systems programming, web development, and game development.
  • Case Studies/Stories:
  1. Rust’s use in developing the Rustup toolchain manager, which is used for managing Rust’s toolchain across multiple platforms.
  2. Rust’s use in developing the Rust-based web framework Rocket, which is designed for building high-performance web applications.

You’re welcome! If you have any other questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask.

(Many people were messging me that I didn’t add Rust in my last post about top languages to learn in 2023 , so I decided to write about Rust Programming Language. Hope You people will like it .)

