Social Media Trends and New Features Monthly Report for June 2022

Sarwar Hussain Uzzal
3 min readJul 16, 2022


Looking to stay ahead of the latest social media trends? Welcome to the June Tagged Social Media Monthly Trends Report! We’re here to help you choose the trends that will be most impactful for your business. We actively analyze social media data and deliver a report at the end of each month, so you can stay ahead of the curve.

This month, we’re diving into that Metaverse thing you keep hearing about. The metaverse may very well be the next marketing avenue that your business needs to tackle to succeed. So it’s definitely something to start thinking about even if we’re not quite there yet.

So what is the Metaverse?

The metaverse is a term used to describe a virtual space built on the internet. The metaverse would be a single-point entry shared space where people could interact with each other and with computer-generated characters and objects. The concept of the metaverse was first popularized by Neal Stephenson in his science fiction novel Snow Crash. In the book, the metaverse is a central part of the story, and it is described as a place where people can meet and interact with each other without having to physically be in the same place.

metaverse is coming! are you ready?

The idea of the metaverse has been gaining popularity in recent years, as advances in technology have made it more feasible to create such a world. While the metaverse is still only a concept at this point, there is potential for it to become reality in the future. And large companies like Facebook (I mean, Meta) clearly want to be the ones who make it happen.

Many experts look at the metaverse as a 3D model of the internet. Basically, a plane parallel to the physical world, where you spend your digital life. A place where you and other people have an avatar, and you interact with them through their avatars. Some also argue that the metaverse in the truest sense of the term doesn’t actually exist yet.

While the discourse on defining the metaverse differs from case to case, it is, in the simplest terms, a shared virtual space that is interactive, immersive, and hyper-realistic.

If you’re thinking about movies like Ready Player One or Free Guy, you’re not far off. And games are the closest thing we have to metaverses so far, such as Minecraft, Fortnite, and Roblox — all of which are commonly referred to as metaverses in their own right.

Perhaps the closest existing iteration to the envisioned metaverse is the game Second Life, a simulation game that lets users experience virtual reality in which their avatar could shop, eat, shower, and do everything they would in real life.

According to technologists, the metaverse will take the virtual reality experience to the next level, allowing users to float into the virtual world to do everything from buying land and hosting parties to getting married through digital avatars.

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Sarwar Hussain Uzzal

I provide original analysis on the latest happenings in the social media industry