Neufund — our latest deep tech investment

2 min readDec 4, 2017


We believe technology should create a world that is simpler, faster and more secure. Therefore we are outspoken supporters of distributed ledger technology like the blockchain. It has the potential to drive innovation in many industries, particularly in financial services. So far we didn’t find the right product and team to invest in this exciting technology. This changed after discussing Neufund with Zoe, Marcin, and André.

Neufund solves a problem that we face every day at Freigeist. So we decided not only to invest in Neufund but also to commit capital in Neufund’s current ICBM to invest in Startups via Neufund — read more about Startup investments via Neufund and the current ICBM here —

Neufund is the new way to fund Startups

Investing in Startups through traditional channels is unnecessarily complicated, expensive,

Paperwork intensive and depends on a variety of counterparties and intermediaries. Startup funding is stuck in the 80s. Imagine eCommerce, if we still read printed product catalogues and ordered via fax. Investing in Startups is even worse: every transaction entails a crazy amount of effort and cost. This is a huge burden for investors, who are interested in this asset class, and Startups, who depend on access to funding. Neufund offers the technology and legal framework to change this.

Neufunds​ ​mission​:

  • Open Startup investments to everyone, not just accredited or high net worth investors.
  • Make real world private equity fully liquid by tokenizing it.
  • Create a decentralized and global capital pool and investor network.
  • Onboard off-chain companies into the crypto economy.
  • Provide a fully legal and regulated setting for token investment.
  • Massively simplify shareholder management through smart contracts

Neufund utilizes the Ethereum platform and incentivizes investors from both crypto and non-crypto spaces to provide capital for innovation. Investors already active in the crypto space gain access to attractive investment opportunities from outside the space. Investors that have yet to join the crypto economy find in Neufund an easy way to get started. Neufund aims to bring off-chain capital on-chain with the idea to build an environment in which investors can acquire tokens against payment in Euro.

Neufund matches our critical investment criteria: The founding team is complementary and understands all relevant aspects of the business. Neufund needs to combine outstanding technology with a great user experience to deliver a successful product. And the company is in an early stage where we can support the founders in building team and product.

If you’re interested in Startup investments via Neufund, you can find more information about the Neufund ICBM here: The ICBM is still open until 17th of December.

It will take time until most companies are on-chain. Technology, regulation, founders, investors and other parties need to learn and adapt. But we deeply believe blockchain based equity — whether understood classically as a share or as a universal crypto token — is the future.

You can find a detailed whitepaper about the platform at and a preview of the platform at:

