7 Steps to Overcome Binge Eating

Fresh Forward
3 min readMay 12, 2022


Binge eating disorder (BED) is a well-known condition because it ranks as the most common feeding/eating disorder that individuals struggle with. Many people link the disorder to food alone, but there is a lot more to it. In reality, BED is a psychological condition, outlined by episodes of eating too much, even if the person is not hungry, followed by a sense of extreme guilt or shame. Binge eating commonly leads to weight gain, which then, in turn, contributes to various health complications.

If you too are struggling with BED, you should not despair. There are some very clever strategies that you can try out, which will greatly help in shaking the habit and adopting a healthier coping mechanism. Here are a few tips you can try out:

Dieting is not the best way forward

Fad diets are popular, but oftentimes do more harm than good. According to studies, restrictive eating methods contribute to binge eating to a large extent. Instead of aiming to cut certain foods from your diet, make specific healthy changes. For example, you can include more unprocessed foods, like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and reduce the number of sugary treats and fats. The goal is to help you feel full and reduce cravings and binge eating episodes.

Don’t skip meals

Another thing that can contribute to binge eating is skipping meals. Some studies suggest that a single large meal a day contributes to higher levels of hunger-stimulating hormones to a greater extent than eating three times a day. A regular eating schedule is preferable to skipping meals.

Be more mindful

Practising mindfulness is a great way to stay grounded in the present moment and pay greater attention to your feelings and emotions. It is an effective way to cut down on overeating and help you get a better idea of when you are no longer hungry. Combining mindfulness with cognitive behavioural therapy can have an even better outcome. It will allow you to better tap into your body’s hunger sensations and also teach you how to enjoy food better.

Drink plenty of water

If you are looking for an effective way to curb your cravings, you should simply drink more water throughout the day. Numerous studies show that improving your water intake has a beneficial role to play on food cravings and decreasing the sensation of hunger. The ideal amount of water varies from person to person, though you may want to try 1.5–2 litres.

Include more fibre in your diet

One of the benefits of fibre in food is that it moves slowly through the digestive tract, thus giving you the sensation of being full and not feeling hungry. Supplying yourself with fibre from vegetables and fruits twice a day will reduce the cravings you might otherwise encounter. Other foods rich in fibre are whole grains and legumes.

Clean out your kitchen

If you keep trigger and junk foods around, you won’t be able to resist the urge when it arises. Binge eating is made much easier if the temptation is around. That is why you should remove all sorts of treats that fuel such cravings — candy bars, desserts, chips, crackers, etc. Stock your kitchen with healthier alternatives like fruits and vegetables.

Do more physical exercise

By adding more exercise to your daily routine, you will cut the urge to binge eat significantly. Whether it be walking, running or hitting the gym, physical activity helps reduce stress and make you feel better without resorting to emotional eating.

Dealing with food cravings and binge eating may seem difficult, but it is doable when you follow the proven strategies outlined above.

© Fresh Forward



Fresh Forward

Hi, I’m Emily Hall, Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapist and Weight Loss Coach.