Organic Produce Vs. Non-organic Produce: Is There Any Differences Between These Two?

Fresh Life Organics
3 min readAug 11, 2018


If you try to visit your local supermarket, you will notice that there are two different sections where the fruits and vegetables are placed — the one without a mark and the one with the organic label. You might also be wondering why the same types of fruits and vegetables are placed on different shelves or baskets. Well, normally, supermarkets display organic and non-organic produce separately to avoid confusion and to make it easier for consumers to know which is which.

Organic Vs Non-Organic

But, is there really any difference between organic and non-organic produce? Read on to find out…

Organic Fruits & Vegetables

Decades ago, you can only find Fresh Organic Produce in select health food stores. Today, you can see organic fruits and vegetables almost everywhere- from local markets to high-end supermarkets and even on the internet. You can even find a couple of local and online retail stores that offer Organic Produce Delivery.

So, what is organic produce?

The term organic refers to the process used by farmers to grow fruits, vegetables, grains, and other agricultural products. Organic farming uses growing techniques and practices that do not include the use of synthetic fertilizer and pesticides to control insects and weeds as well as to fertilize the land. Synthetic fertilizer and pesticides have been proven to have long-term adverse effects on our health and the environment. Unlike non-organic practices, organic farming encourages water and soil conservation as well as pollution reduction.

Differences Between Organic Produce & Non-Organic Produce

Look at these two halves of apple. The one on the left side is labeled with organic while the one on the right side has no label at all. As you see, they are both fresh, red, and shiny. Just by looking at them, can you spot any difference (aside from the label, of course)?

Differences Between Organic Produce & Non-Organic

If you were to choose between the two halves, which one will you pick? To help you decide, check out the major differences between organic produce and non-organic produce first in terms of price, taste, and nutritional value.


The taste factor is quite subjective and it greatly depends on the personal consideration and preferences of the individual. Some people claim that organic fruits and vegetables taste better than the non-organic ones. Whilst, other people say organic and non-organic produce taste the same.


The price is one of the major reasons why a lot of people seem hesitant when it comes to whether they will pick organic produce or not. Virtually, organic produce is a bit more expensive than the non-organic produce. There are a few factors that affect the high cost of organic produce. These factors include stricter government regulations, lower agricultural output or crop yield, and more costly farming practices.

Nutritional Value

Many people claim that organic produce is healthier than non-organic. However, according to scientific studies, there are no comparable differences in the nutritional value between these two groups.

Some studies, though, state that the differences in nutritional value greatly vary according to your location and the availability of the agricultural products. For instance, if you are living in an area where there is no available fresh organic produce and you opt for Organic Fruit and Vegetable Delivery from a distant area, the freshness of the produce will be affected by the length of time span between harvest and consumption. As it loses its freshness, certain essential vitamins and minerals also degrade, thus affecting the nutritional value and taste.



Fresh Life Organics

Fresh Life Organics offers you an incredible & certified selection of organic vegetables, and fruits delivered to your doorstep.