How To Keep Ants Out Of Hummingbird Feeders

4 min readJun 23, 2023



Hummingbirds are fascinating creatures that bring joy and beauty to any garden. If you have a hummingbird feeder, you may have encountered the problem of ants invading the sweet nectar meant for these tiny birds. Ants are attracted to the sugar content in the feeder and can deter hummingbirds from feeding. However, there are effective strategies you can employ to keep ants away and ensure that your hummingbird feeder remains a haven for these delightful birds. In this article, we will explore various methods to keep ants out of hummingbird feeders.

Choose the Right Feeder:

Start by selecting a hummingbird feeder that is designed to deter ants. Look for feeders with built-in ant moats or traps. These are small barriers or reservoirs that prevent ants from reaching the nectar. Ant moats are typically filled with water, forming a barrier that ants cannot cross. This simple feature can be highly effective in keeping ants away from the feeder.

Create an Ant-Proof Barrier:

If your feeder doesn’t have an ant moat, you can create a physical barrier to prevent ants from accessing the nectar. Apply a sticky substance like petroleum jelly or Teflon tape to the feeder’s hanging apparatus or the area where ants typically crawl. Ants find it challenging to cross these sticky surfaces, creating a barrier that effectively keeps them away from the feeder.

Utilize Natural Repellents:

Several natural substances act as ant repellents and can be used to deter ants from your hummingbird feeder. Consider using cinnamon, peppermint oil, or citrus peels. Sprinkle cinnamon powder or place cinnamon sticks around the feeder, as ants dislike the strong scent. Similarly, you can soak cotton balls in peppermint oil or place citrus peels near the feeder to repel ants.

Keep the Area Clean:

Maintaining cleanliness around the feeder is essential in preventing ant infestations. Regularly clean the feeder with hot, soapy water and rinse it thoroughly. Remove any spilled nectar or residue that may attract ants. Consider moving the feeder to a different location if ants continue to be a persistent problem.

Employ Water-Based Solutions:

Water can be an effective tool in keeping ants away from hummingbird feeders. Place a shallow dish or tray filled with water beneath the feeder’s hanging apparatus. This creates a moat-like barrier that ants cannot cross. Ensure that the water level remains constant to maintain the effectiveness of the barrier.

Change the Nectar Regularly:

Hummingbird feeders with old, spoiled nectar can attract ants more easily. To prevent this, change the nectar regularly, at least every few days, to maintain its freshness. The absence of spoiled nectar reduces the likelihood of ants being attracted to the feeder.

Experiment with Different Feeder Locations:

If you have tried several methods and ants persistently find their way to the feeder, consider experimenting with different locations. Move the feeder to an area where ants have difficulty accessing it. Hanging the feeder from a thin wire or suspending it from a branch away from other potential ant pathways can discourage their presence.


Enjoying the presence of hummingbirds is a delightful experience, but ants can often become a nuisance around hummingbird feeders. By implementing these strategies, such as selecting the right feeder, creating barriers, utilizing natural repellents, maintaining cleanliness, and experimenting with different locations, you can effectively keep ants out of your hummingbird feeders. With these measures in place, you can provide a safe and undisturbed environment for hummingbirds to enjoy their nourishing nectar.

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Why are ants attracted to hummingbird feeders?

Ants are naturally attracted to the sugary nectar in hummingbird feeders. They have a keen sense of smell and can quickly detect the presence of sweet substances. Once ants find a food source, they leave behind a scent trail that leads other ants to the same location, resulting in an infestation around your feeder.

Are ants harmful to hummingbirds?

While ants themselves are not harmful to hummingbirds, they can cause nuisance and stress to the birds. Ants crawling inside the feeder may contaminate the nectar, making it unattractive or unsuitable for hummingbirds. Additionally, if the ants become overwhelming, they may deter hummingbirds from visiting the feeder altogether.

Can I use insecticides to keep ants away from hummingbird feeders?

It is not recommended to use insecticides or any toxic chemicals near hummingbird feeders. Hummingbirds are highly sensitive to toxins, and exposure to insecticides can be harmful or even fatal to them. It’s best to opt for natural and non-toxic methods to deter ants.

How often should I check and maintain my hummingbird feeder to keep ants away?

Regular maintenance is crucial to keep ants away from your hummingbird feeder. Check the feeder daily or every few days, especially during warm weather when ant activity is high. Clean the feeder as needed and replenish the nectar regularly to prevent spoilage, which can attract ants.




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